Lisa Benson for August 31, 2016

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 7 years ago

    I love the way Lisa Benson comes to the aid of the little people and minorities, like the 1%ers.

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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Supposedly they paid 600 dollars per million made. I can believe that.

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  3. Missing large
    Tzinger   over 7 years ago

    @Ji2mOnly just a tiny bit of corporate profits go to taxes. The rest go to executives and shareholders. What sets the price to consumers is the market demand.IT AIN’T TAXES.Somehow you failed your econ class.

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  4. Sunset
    TheTrustedMechanic  over 7 years ago

    Funny how the typical, predictable right-wing nut-jobs are on here whining about the tax evasion scheme being called in.Apple pretended that all EU profits were “made” by the Irish subsidiary to avoid taxes in the EU and in America. But to the Irish they pretended the sole source of those profits was the intellectual property ie software developed in America. To America – all profits were made in Ireland so you can’t tax those foreign profits. To Ireland – all profits are due to intellectual property developed in America so no profits are the result of this foreign subsidiary.Crapple is trying to have it both ways. This was brought up as an issue in America but the republiCONs suffocated it in its crib. How dare we expect a massively profitable corporation to pay “its fair share” and support the government and market that enabled it to grow to such profitability. American government efforts led to Crapple being able to develop its product, have it produced overseas and then imported back here with little to no tariffs AND to not have to worry about theft of its intellectual property or in other words pirated knock-offs. The United States government through it’s power and influence ensures the security of Crapple to make it’s massive profits but all these dolts whining about the EU saying enough is enough, it’s time to pay your fair share, just like so many other corporations do to support the government structure that allows you to conduct your business and make your profits in a secure and stable market. Only the most willfully ignorant of idiots can’t see that while they whine and complain that government doesn’t create jobs, doesn’t make anything and doesn’t generate wealth, without government and the stability it inherently creates, we would not have the environment in which to have those jobs, great that wealth and produce those products or perform those services that others want. Government is NOT perfect, government is oppressive in some ways and destructive in others but on the whole without government and the intangible services it provides, there would be no Apple, Inc. to make those massive profits. .Oh, and also reported on NPR, that Irish company Apple established to funnel its profits through to shield them from taxes, that company is only letterhead, no employees. Sow hat benefit did Ireland really get from that?

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  5. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Both the US and the EU have been struggling with getting companies to pay taxes. Ireland was happy to do a deal where they gained economic benefit by helping Apple to avoid a bigger tax bill in either the US or the EU. I have no problem with big, very profitable companies paying taxes because it they don’t pay them the citizens of the various countries get to pick up the difference. The whole issue gets very mucked up with lawyers and various small countries working diligently on how to scam the system. In the end there is a taxpayer somewhere in the world that takes the hit.

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  6. New year large
    stealth694  over 7 years ago

    ROFL SWEET!,, Apple goes to Ireland as a Tax Dodge and then the EU fines them 14 Billion in Taxes. Who says there ain’t no Justice.

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  7. Missing large
    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 7 years ago

    Yes, it is obviously robbery when a company is being told to pay due taxes – they didn´t pay before. What a horrible world we live in …

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    Catherine Spencer-Mills Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The prime minister and the president of Ireland are both male. The high heels signify….?

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  9. Am  flag
    Geezer  over 7 years ago

    So, when governments buy goods and services who sells those goods and services? Seems to me that barring any graft, governments do produce something since the seller will need to re-stock those items sold. Services would require an employee or employees to perform those services which gets them a wage which they then spend on personal goods and services.Frédéric Bastiat discussed that in his parable of the broken window.

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  10. Am  flag
    Geezer  over 7 years ago

    When government buys goods and services, where did the money come from?It was seized, by threat of force, from taxpayers, who might have chosen to spend that money on different goods and services, as Bastiat noted in his essay.

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  11. Missing large
    lostinbago  over 7 years ago

    Lisa forgot to include all the worms filling the rotten apple.

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  12. Hungover
    Buzz the Bear  over 7 years ago

    If Apple had just paid their fair share here in the US, they wouldn’t have this problem. Instead, they thought they’d scam the system. The losers are the American public. Just think of what we could do with that cash…improve education…re-build our crumbling infrastructure and more. Now it’s all going overseas.

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  13. Official state of new hampshire tartan
    Moxie  over 7 years ago

    Funny thing- if you play it straight to begin with, this doesn’t happen. But hey! It’s a month beginning on a Thursday, so there’s a new iPhone coming out! That’ll punch up the bottom line.

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