Clay Jones for August 23, 2016

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I have always been an independent voter but when I was younger I did support Republican ideas most of the time. Since then I have come to realize they mostly support big business, vested interests, and the NRA. They pander to religious values but their private actions are often despicable. They have done very little to help any middle class American family. The Democrats have their problems too, they have trouble paying for their programs and their support of big unions goes well beyond reason in terms of benefiting the general public. We really need leadership that is interested in doing the greatest good for the most people. Leaders who really want to make America great instead of just talking about it. The best place to start is with the representatives and senators. We really need a lot of new blood in Congress.

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  2. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 7 years ago

    The Republicans need something to replace Benghazi and the email thing, which are running out of steam for lack of anything incriminating.

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    moderateisntleft  over 7 years ago

    1) they are not “NEW” emails. The FBI has had them all along. They are just being released by the FBI, which makes them “NEW” to those who haven’t seen them before. 2) the Panel on the left is most appropriate: all this BS is being manufactured and kept alive by the right.. 3) if you want a health scandal, try reading Trumps medical report. It was probably written by Trump himself (a tactic he is known for).

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  4. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    That tail is as real as the email scandal. If you are worried about her emails, you might as well not vote for her because she has a tail, makes as much sense.

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  5. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Trump is mentally ill, isn’t it obvious?

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Only if you like theocracy here, I don’t.-

    The Constitution Party is a paleoconservative political party in the United States.23 The party advocates a platform which reflects the party’s interpretation of the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Bible.

    The party believes that the United States is a Christian state founded on the basis of the Bible and that jurisprudence should be restored to what the party claims is its “Biblical foundations”.17 Its critics have described it—and its predecessor, the U.S. Taxpayers Party—as a theocratic and Dominionist party.1819 The party does not, however, oppose the constitutional ban on religious tests for holding public office.20

    As of 2016, the Constitution Party has 15 members elected to city council seats and other municipal offices across the United States. In terms of registered members, the party ranks fifth in the United States.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    Night-Gaunt49I am with you until you got to “in terms of registered members”. In Texas, such “card-carrying member” status is considered a “poll tax” (even if no money changes hands) and so is illegal. This nonsense (in this case directed against the Greens) distorts any such ranking.

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 7 years ago

    Never. The so-called “Constitution Party” is an insult to the Constitution, the Founders, and all Americans. It is a religious party, no more.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Clay Jones referred to Trump’s doctor (gastroenterologist) on his website, citing the line “if elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Here is the link to the entire letter. Plenty of other gems.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    Night-Gaunt49The Texas Green Party has run Christians, Jews, Muslim (1), atheists, and nons. Christians and nons have won, but not made their religion an issue, except for the atheists, who did it on their own and not as a party practice. Quit playing the victim and actually run for something as a citizen.

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