Jack Ohman for August 16, 2016

  1. Missing large
    sgm001  almost 8 years ago

    Watching the Trump campaign flounder is kinda like watching a car sliding on ice and crashing into tree. Except you are rooting for the tree.

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    twclix  almost 8 years ago

    While Mr. Trump’s train wreck continues to pile cars up on the railroad tracks, I hope he stays in it to the bitter end. John Kasich, for example, could likely beat Ms. Clinton in a general election but much of the the Republican coalition is too radicalized to notice. The religious nuts, libertarian crazies, government-haters, gun lovers, and the one-percenters who finance them had their chance to nominate an electable candidate, and couldn’t decide among their many misfits and extremists—so naturally they fell in with the biggest misfit of them all. I, for one, hope he stays in the race and continues to demonstrate his mental illness for the whole world to see. His insanity and compulsive behavior is the best hope for the country to turn away from the darkness that is the fragmented right wing these days.

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    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    Old Czech joke:.Brezhnev, Mao, and Dubcek are each offered one wish by St. Peter..Brezhnev says, “Let there be terrible floods that will wipe China completely from the earth!”.Mao says, “Let Russia be so thoroughly destroyed by earthquakes that no one even remembers its name!”.Dubcek says, “As long as you are granting these gentlemen their wishes, I would like a cup of coffee.”

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    The “media” has lowered the bar to a competition on the playground between kindergartners, playing to the knowledge base, and “maturity” of the perceived “average voter”???

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