Mike Luckovich for June 15, 2016

  1. Img 0668b
    Coopersdad  almost 8 years ago

    Yep……that’s tRump’s thought processes…..what a guy!!!

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  2. Image
    Vermont Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    The Douche.

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    cubfan1937  almost 8 years ago


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  4. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    A simplistic and inaccurate interpretation of any call for enhanced regulation of firearms and their general availability. Also a simplistic and inaccurate interpretation of Drumpf’s call to ban all Muslims from the USA.

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  5. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Interestingly, it is a fact that, in states with “right to carry” laws, gun violence has been reduced. This is, of course, the opposite of the result predicted by most gun control advocates. But the reasons for the reduction are extraordinarily hard to tease out. It is likely the product of multiple causes. You might be surprised to learn which states are “right to carry”, and which are not. For instance, Massachusetts is right-to-carry, and Texas is not, or was not until recently.

    Further reading: http://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/fighting-back-crime-selfdefense-right-carry-handgunhttp://www.heritage.org/constitution/#!/amendments/2/essays/142/to-keep-and-bear-arms

    Obviously, in the early days of our nation’s history, firearms were nearly ubiquitous among the population. To claim that there was “no gun violence because (effectively) everyone was armed” is clearly ridiculous. Duels were an accepted means of resolving disputes and avenging perceived insults. Every schoolchild learns that Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel, thus depriving the young nation of a likely future president. Of course, duels have long been illegal, a prohibition that gained substantial legitimacy and force after Hamilton’s death.

    The upshot is that it is a complex and nuanced issue, not amenable to the simple answers offered by both sides. Some amount of regulation has long been accepted by virtually all parties. The population cannot own machine guns, for example. I can’t imagine anyone advocating individual ownership of tanks, artillery, flame-throwers, or high explosives.

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  6. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrumpAppreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism,

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  7. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Gawd, how did we become so broken as a people?!?

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  8. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Donald may not have been a politician when he began his run for POTUS, but he’s learning fast!!

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  9. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago
    “There will be nothing, absolutely nothing, left,” -Trump

    “Can you imagine what they’ll do in large groups, which we’re allowing now to come here?” – TrumpIs this the same Trump who would open internment camps for tens of thousands of Americans. If we continue to listen to Trump, millions of citizens will be asking.. Is this how to make America great again? Fear and hatred instead of solutions and condolences, he exploits the worst of our tragedies.

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  10. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 8 years ago

    He hasn’t said some people are bad. He has called for banning all people who belong to apart ocular religion.Obama and Hillary haven’t said all guns are bad or should be banned. They have said that military style guns should not be in civilian hands and certain people — like those on terrorist watch list — should not be allowed to have guns.

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  11. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 8 years ago

    Using a tragedy to further a political agenda and not bothering to check the facts is really stupid.

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  12. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    You get lamer every day.

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    BigShell  almost 8 years ago

    Obama, Clinton, Sanders and all the gun-control extremists jump on the ban guns wagon very quickly.

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  14. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    A Trump Rally in Greensboro “Anger in here is palpable”in which a sane man live tweets insanity

    Trump event like a security state. Just watched a girl get denied for being “too alternative.”

    There’s an ungodly amount of extremely drunk people here.Just got told I don’t “look right.”

    I don’t like Hitler comparisons but that was positively like Nuremburg rally level crazy.

    There’s a protestor next to me and he’s scared to death

    Crowd threatening protestor before he acts

    Crowd member just shouted “gays had it coming”

    Bragging that he took credentials from WA Post. Crowd yells Kill them all.

    I feel so terrible for the children here.

    Fight fights, shoving matches every few minutes

    Trump comparing immigrants to snakes

    Trump’s speech has gone completely off the rails. Bragging about debate wins. Defeating Bush.

    Says Clinton presidency would take crowd’s guns, lusty boos, mysogynistic screamsCrowd calls for Berghdal to be shot, hung

    Calls Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas, says he was asked to apologized, will only apologize to Pocahontas. Guy next to me does a war dance

    Confederate flags everywhere

    This is just soul crushingly awful

    So much casual racism, misogyny, homophobia, and just plain ugliness.

    Cops finally cleared this horror show. Trump has to be defeated but I don’t know how you stamp out all this hate and cruelty.


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  15. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    It is all about me.

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    oneoldhat  almost 8 years ago

    sorry trump hilliary has already used it

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Waiting for him to promise Florida a fence to keep the gators out! (Cuba may pay for it?)

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  18. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  almost 8 years ago

    You, obviously, get your information from somewhere other than reality. Neither of them nor the Liberal wing of our system have said anything about taking away all guns. They want guns to be sold and used ‘responsibly’. Are you one of those who has already decided you want them for some other purpose? What group have you decided to shoot up with all the guns and ammo in your closet?

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    Liverlips McCracken How would anyone know? Few gun fights are reported. The NRA has banned the CFC from investigating the subject. We hear reports (pun), but never know the details.

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    1941gko  almost 8 years ago

    T-boy must have taken lessons from Still Waiting on Ohio Rove!

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    herbcl  almost 8 years ago

    What is striking me are the so-called Christians who are supporting this candidate whose actions are more the subject of the what not to do sermon.

    How can someone call themselves Christian and support hate? My understanding of your faith is that it is based on loving, loving even the sinner, but not the sin.

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    cubfan1937  almost 8 years ago

    Mexico prohibits firearms, but one certainly sees a load of them here.

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    echoraven  almost 8 years ago

    Obama and Hillary already knew how to exploit as they have extensive experience whoring the dead.

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  24. Insolentchild
    StranglyInsolentChild  almost 8 years ago

    how do you say Luckovich’s name… Luke-o-vich, or Luck-o-vich?

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    cubfan1937  almost 8 years ago

    Any discusson of this miscreant is beyond rationality. Not soon enough he will be a faint memory. He represents the nadir of humanity.

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