Gary Varvel for June 02, 2016

  1. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    Either file an indictment and prosecute, or quit the yatter.I did not realize that Gary Varvel gets to decide whether to file an indictment and prosecute.

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  2. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 8 years ago

    It was only a matter of time before some out of ideas cartoonist used this hackneyed theme. Good Job Gary. Now you can officially join the “Idiot Cartoonist Union” as a full member!

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    ED CANTWELL  about 8 years ago

    Another cartoonist out of ideas.

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  4. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    Petition the DA. … Petition the judge.Neither DAs nor judges get to decide whether to seek a federal indictment. The U.S. Attorney General does that.

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    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    Another cartoonist out of ideas.You are free to draw and publish your own cartoons.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Trust in Trump is a better alternative? That, is one heck of a gamble with your country.

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    Tzinger   about 8 years ago

    Fact of the matter is that senior executives (almost) never send classified mail. The fact that sometime is classified means it comes from the security officer. No one wants to breach security. Ever.Unless you really plan to go to jail - Snowden.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    Indictments are in the control of the most radical leftwing lawyers in American history, appointed by 7 and 1/2 years of Obama power from the Oval Office. -The DOS IG has released an 84 page indictable evidence document but the IG has no power to indict. The FBI has amassed evidence for indicting Hillary, but has no power to give it to the public or to indict her.-The Clinton couple are the most slick scofflaw politicians ever, but have been protected by scofflaw donors and officials owing their position and power to them. They are the UN-indicted criminals of US records in the 20th and 21st centuries, IMO.-Hillary today owes the leftwing Media and the president and the AG Lynch for protection from the enforcement of the laws.Plus the knee-jerk Democrat voter Bloc. Thanks, guys! -(Christians and Moralist parents will continue to teach their children how to decide for Right and reject Wrong, because God gifts children only to parents, not the anti-God State.)

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  9. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    It is true that past secretaries of state handled classified material on unclassified email systems. The laws, regulations and State Department policy during her tenure did permit her to use a non-government email for her work. There were classified emails found on her server. The question this raises is material is being overclassified or there is a serious mishandling by government officials at all levels. Probably a combination of the two. If there were a security breach, this may or may not be an issue – this is what they are still investigating. So far it seems there was no breach. She did fully comply – the worst she did was skirt a few rules. Once again – the lie factory is trying to make the biggest mountain as they can. She may have done something wrong, and if she did she should be indicted. Until then, this is wishful thinking and make-em-ups. The investigation is not over and she is not sitting in a courtroom (like Trump)

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    DrDon1  about 8 years ago

    How many members of Reagan’s Republican administration were indicted and/or convicted?

    Do you think Dennis Hastert is a good representative of the GOP’s family values?

    ( Is your apparent chronic wedgie about LIBERALS caused by your difficulty in accepting that LIBERALS started, fought, and won the American Revolution? ]

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    amorris  about 8 years ago

    Nepalitano is a political opinion writer, Sir, not a journalist. You may as well quote Sean Hannity. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    contrary to the critics here, I post only facts that I have collected from reliable websites with reliable reporters and analysts.-As to Hillary’s 4 years as Sec. of State and her now known record of being tutored by the FBI in her first days, and her deliberate refusal to obey known rules.-I suppose no critic of my posts will go to this internet and read the article, but I will do my part and post the url… and writer, retired Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, who wrote this “Hillary on the ropes” newspaper article that was printed 6/1/16.-If Hillary had asked permission to set up a private email service at home, the DOS rules would have not permitted her to do that. Doing so, the Judge says, would have “likely constituted the crime of espionage”, “failure to secure and preserve the secrecy of confidential, secret or top-secret materials.” (66,000 emails, 2,200 that were secret or top-secret, according to the IG report, THAT WERE IN HILLARY’S EMAILS that the IG search found!)-Hillary and her aides refused to cooperate with the DOS IG in the year-long investigation.-No one before Hillary, (M. Albright, Colin Powell, C. Rice) had used email as extensively as Hillary, none used a private server and none used private accounts.-This cartoon has it exactly correct….Hillary lied, lied, lied, and is still lying in the face of this IG report, and facing an upcoming FBI report that will expose her unreliability to hold a high-level government position.-I am age 83, but I am of sound mind and I do not take medications except for physical conditions that many others likewise suffer….blood pressure (aggravated by government officials like Hillary and Obama) and a thyroid condition.I have fixed my diabetes 2 with diet and my oncologist has dismissed me as a patient after cancer treatment.-Jesus daily helps me forgive each and every critic that posts against me. He helps me strive to only post truth, which is designed to make us free, by knowing what is untruth fed to us daily by the ungodly. I wish everyone would choose Jesus as Savior so we could all agree on what is right and ethical and moral in this life.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    amorris said….(scoffing at the words of retired Judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, who is also the author of 7 books on the US Constitution, and a legal authority. And I think you did not find and read his article, and if that is the case, where is your justification for scoffing at his information and opinion on the issue?)

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    jackhs  about 8 years ago

    I don’t like Trump. I don’t like Hilary. I don’t like socialism.

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  15. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  about 8 years ago

    TS/SCI does NOT just magically become classified. You’re drinking obsecene amounts of kool-aid if you think otherwise.

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  16. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  about 8 years ago

    Just because she or her staff stripped the classified headers off does NOT make it magically unclassified.

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