Clay Bennett for May 05, 2016

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago, Thursday May 5, is the 2016 National Day of Prayer.IMO it is time for Christian Americans to join in prayer for God to forgive us our sins and to intervene and cause whoever is to be the next US president to be saved or revived in the Faith of the Bible, and to start redeeming the social values of God in our laws and in our governing, federal and state.-The article above is about the speech made Wednesday in a D.C. prayer meeting by Dr. Tony Evans, who is also the honorary chairman of the National Day of Prayer, today, Thursday 5/5/16.-At noon today 47,000 prayer events around America will pray in unison the prayer Dr. Evans wrote, “Wake Up America.”-God bless and give strength and influence to all who believe God’s Word the Bible, and who are the “meek” Jesus says will inherit the eternal earth….I heard radio rerun of Dr. Adrian Rogers this morning on what the Bible “meek” means….not a wimp or weak person, but like a wild horse with natural instincts to disobey that has been “tamed” or “yielded to the reins (directions) of God.” Lord, make us truly “meek” in your sight. Thank you, Lord for your patience with our failings and fear to stand for your eternal righteous standards which bless Mankind, those who yield to you Oh, Lord. Amen.

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  2. Frank
    Frankfreak  about 8 years ago

    " it is time for Christian Americans to join in prayer for God to forgive us our sins and to intervene and cause whoever is to be the next US president to be saved or revived in the Faith of the Bible, and to start redeeming the social values of God in our laws and in our governing, federal and state."Have you no understanding of what Yeshua taught or what is contained in the US constitution?

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  3. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  about 8 years ago

    Maybe they need the mask to filter out the stench coming from the extreme right wing. But hopefully they do not have the same narrow slits on the eye holes that prevents them from seeing a broader world.

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  4. Chpic
    Nov Nov Man  about 8 years ago

    As a liberal, and even more so as an atheist, those upside down stars mean nothing to me. But Republicans are not liberal, mostly not atheist (at least they’re not allowed to ADMIT they’re atheist), and to them those upside down stars means VERY BAD THINGS.-I do not understand why they turned those stars in God’s Own Party in such a deeply disturbing way.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    GOP activists here have called Trump everything from a fascist to a liberal. Now they have no choice but to call him their candidate. Cruz’s supporters at the end of his campaign were people who didn’t really like him at all. he was just the last hope for the Stop Trump movement. For the remaining Republicans, you’ll have to hold your trunk and vote for the Donald, or burn your GOP voter registration and start voting for progress, people and the 99%.

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  6. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    I remember back when the right wing Christians would call anyone who displayed a pentagram evil.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    I remember when folks read Article VI of the Constitution and kept religion out of government. Then came the insurgency of the 1950’s when the bastardized the pledge of allegiance, and I had to leave two false words out whenever I said it, including when serving this nation as a combat soldier, which so many chickenhawks and “good Christians” do NOT do when starting wars against any religion but their own (subset).

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    momochan  about 8 years ago

    Jesus loves me, this I know, because the politicians tell me so!

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    @Mr Blawt….I did not write that false quote at the end of your post. Dr. Rogers was quoting Bible scripture where JESUS said the meek will inherit the earth. Elsewhere in the scriptures God told us that this earth is by His command an eternal home for Mankind.-Neither Dr. Rogers or I “changed the meaning of ‘meek’…”Any believer may have dozens of study books written by Bible scholars and language experts. I have a concordance that gives the original Hebrew or Greek word and meaning, and gives the Bible address of the verse using the word.-I support and posted in support of this 65th National Day of Prayer in my first post on this cartoon. I at home (I am a shutin due to health) joined in the reciting of Dr. Evans written prayer printed in the article I gave the url for. Now I am being attacked by posters, SOP.-I don’t care what the cartoonist meant by his version of 3 stars for the GOP. It is not relevant to my post. The first amendment is not mine alone and not yours alone!-Again, the FACT is that the US Constitution does not say that the government must “separate church and state” in all matters! Either in the original or throughout the 27 amendments.-President Jefferson never even said what anti-Christian pseudo-liberals claim….He practiced religious worship in government buildings and properties, as did the other Founding Fathers. The First Amendment was meant to protect Religion from an interfering State! As England and Europe proved the wrongness of a State Church, which was ruled by unbelievers for the suppression of freedom of belief for the citizens, some of whom escaped to this New Land.-The fact that Satan temporarily rules earth today is demonstrated day after day by the posts of some of his evil-minded puppets! But the scriptures promise a day coming when the Lord Jesus will again be on earth as King of the World, and Satan will be bound in prison for 1,000 years of the Kingdom of God on earth. Nothing Satan or any puppet may say can change God’s Plans and Promises, thank the Lord!

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  10. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 8 years ago

    Clay, excellent job.

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  11. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    About 70% of Americans identify as Christian and about 25% of those as Christian Reconstructionists with a born-again personalized perception of Christianity. They, for the most part, find traditional Christianity wanting and are looking to the bible for greater truths.I have to conduct business with some people who have this ideology. As long as they mean no harm. and do not try to convert me to their beliefs, I try to treat them with respect and and avoid topics where there would be confrontation. In the course of their lives they have probably heard, and believe many different versions of history than In have encountered, and it’s not my job to make them conform to mine. To unite a nation, or to simply conduct business, compromises and civility are in order.

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  12. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  about 8 years ago

    A clothes pin ?? Would not a Vice Grip be more appropriate ??

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    nance19oped said, about 2 hours ago @disgustedamerican……-my advice to anyone would be, do not judge a religion or a Faith only by those who make errors in interpretation or who advocate doing harm to unsaved sinners or believers who fall into sin. God makes it clear in scripture that He alone is the Judge and Avenger. -I think a Bible believer needs to first, pray for sinners. Second, warn sinners of the consequences for sins, and thirdly, point all sinners to the only Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is the virgin-born son of God by a believer, Mary who was chosen by God so that she as Jesus’ mother and her betrothed husband Joseph would give Jesus the family line going back to King David, for the legal title to the throne of David when Jesus returns to Israel and established the Kingdom of God over this earth.-Jesus’ first coming was to offer Himself to Israel, whose leaders rejected him, and to be God’s sacrificial “Lamb” on the Roman crucifix, to die and shed holy blood to atone for mankinds’ sins. That ushered in the Jewish Church which spread into the world and gradually added Gentile members who became the majority in Jesus’ Church. (Greek, “assembly”). Jew and Gentile are equal in this body of believers. It is temporary and Jesus will take this “Church Age” believers into heaven and Jacob’s Time of Trouble will begin under the anti-Christ and last 7 years; ending with the return of Jesus and the Armageddon end of man’s rule on earth, and the beginning of the 1,000 year Kingdom of God.-I am not a “dominionist” for this age, but there are and has been since Adam and Eve were evicted from Eden, the human choice of one of only 2 Kingdoms, either God’s or Satan’s. Satan had the earth dominion when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness and offered him the rule if Jesus would worship Satan. It is a spiritual dominion, not a physical dominion. When Jesus returns, God’s Kingdom will be both physical and spiritual. Isn’t God Great? IMO God’s Plan is awesome and marvelous and wonderful and amazing!We can put trust and Faith in Jesus and God’s written Word, and be adopted into God’s family forever! Then God’s Holy Spirit helps us live as we yield our will to God’s will which is always so much better and safer and more rewarding! All Satan can offer is eternity with him and the evil rebels in a No-Exit Lake of Fire. I like God’s rewards and I oppose Satan’s deceptive fake offers in all the false religions. The Bible scriptures are the standard to know which is which.

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  14. Chpic
    Nov Nov Man  almost 8 years ago

    And your little fake choice is hilarious! Could you be any further off base!!?

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