John Deering for August 10, 2010

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    DR – We all know that the economy crash as soon as he was sworn in as President.

    You can read all about it in the Texas textbooks

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    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Bush Cheney were selling and filling the caskets, for 6 years.

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    comYics  almost 14 years ago

    I’ve noticed an increase in greed.

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    rottenprat  almost 14 years ago

    I mostly blame the 10%. How can you not find a job after trying for two years?

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    myming  almost 14 years ago

    ^ easily ROTTENPRAT - i retired at 50 and was “smiled” at when i entered all the employment agencies. even though i told them i would take anything, no one wanted me at my age, which is illegal, (back in the dark ages i used to work for an employment agency) and that i had held a high gs rating w/ my government job, got a decent salary and was “over qualified” for what they had to offer. why place me at a high-paying position when they can place two, just out of college kids, at a lower salary and receive a higher commision for themselves ? same thing happened when i went out on my own. “over qualified” can also be an excuse for age. AND alot of employers are “afraid” of hiring high gs level government people for fear of losing their own position to them…

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    bueller  almost 14 years ago

    myming, People don’t usually understand something outside the comfortable sphere of their own personal experience.If one were inclined to give the administration a “break”, benefit of a doubt, whatever, (which I used to be ) one would indeed be focusing on the issue of that lazy,can’t-find-a job- after two years-ten percent….rather than focusing on the rather optimistic administration predictions that don’t exactly match up with where we currently find ourselves.

    And, much as i’d love to still be drawing cartoons about Bush and Cheney ( I have a file drawer full of hate mail that’s classic), I have to move on. Cheney’s not president anymore.

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    Redeemd  almost 14 years ago

    Don’t worry, the trillion dollar stimulus will keep the unemployment rate under 8%.

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    myming  almost 14 years ago

    BUELLER - yes, now i understand about that “comfortable sphere”. when you were drawing bush cartoons, did you use the name “bueller”? mea culpa for not recognizing you, but when bush got re-elected i turned completely off. thank you.

    Dr. C - merci, docteur. no wonder i’ve always liked your posts… almost every book i’ve read, movie seen, the doyen is always portrayed w/ a beard. redneks be fools, peckerwoods be beter off bak in dey caves.

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