Gary Varvel for April 18, 2016

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 8 years ago

    Virtual Reality will be the only view that looks cheerful and promising if Bernie Sanders gets his turn at bat.

    All those Socialist Utopia’s do great until they drive the producers and the investors away. Then you are left with a huge population of takers who have no idea how to take care of themselves.

    Look at Venezuela, Poland, East Germany if you want to know what happens to a country that thinks it can loot the productive and the capable with impunity.

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  2. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    The Democrats are in the digital age – the Republicans are still writing out their “who’s bigger” jokes on the walls of their caves. This technology alone is more than any other candidate is offering their bogus agendas on.

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    kaffekup   about 8 years ago

    Well, that’s ironic, considering the republican party has promised us pie in the sky for decades, and all they ever delivered were recession and job losses. Well, the wealthy did get their tax cuts as promised, so I guess it’s all valid.

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  4. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    If it weren’t for the constitutional mandate that we have two opposing political parties as the only way we can be represented, there could be some possibility of common good being being legislated. However, we are stuck in a “first past the post”, “there can be only one”, "now that we’re in charge, it’s payback time’, “if you don’t like it , leave” binary system. I do wish the founders had thought it out more carefully and warned us about the divisive effects of political parties.

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 8 years ago

    can someone tell Bernie the 1960’s are over ?

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    Nantucket Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Bernie Sanders has fleshed out his plans and they have been posted on his site for a LONG time.-The ‘10% for all’ that most Republicans have proposed relies on magical thinking – their conclusions say that tax revenue would go up with this change when reality and history have shown the opposite.

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    In the real world, the UK implemented the vision of austerity to improve their economy. How did that work? </a

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  8. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Bernie does want to raise tax revenue..Have you seen the Republican candidate’s tax and spend plans. They are even more shocking than what you say Bernie will do.

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  9. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    At least he is happy.

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  10. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    The Trump/Cruz future is a total nightmare.

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    oneoldhat  about 8 years ago

    yes crow trump/cruz future is a nightmare for people who want to live off of working people

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    daddyvortex  about 8 years ago

    As always with politician’s promises, it will be “virtually” in your hands forever.

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    oneoldhat  about 8 years ago

    so mr blawt you think the government should take all bill gates money

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