Clay Jones for April 14, 2016

  1. Missing large
    emptc12  about 8 years ago

    I haven’t heard “CPT” in quite a while. As a very young child I do remember hearing the whisper from older kids that “colored people” lived in a certain house in our mostly white neighborhood. I never actually saw them, but I imagined they were colored like rainbows. When I saw them, I thought, “Oh, the chocolate people!”

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    Hmm, on the color issue, Boehner and Trump both seem to have a problem when it comes to “natural born”.

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    Only people who want to use it in a derogatory way got offended. How come I can’t say stuff like that?!De Blasio’s joke does have some context, he is married to an African American woman, and his joke was a play on CPT, calling it “Cautious Politician Time.”Racists are upset that they want to use CPT against “those kinds” and not get in trouble.

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    ron2nips  about 8 years ago

    Does anyone in the room think or believe that racism has come to an end just because a few people in the NCAA or some University sprouting political correctness think they’ve got it all wrapped up and tied with a pretty bow ribbon? I’ve got news for them if they do as I think and believe the damn stuff racism has just gotten started folks. Grab your socks and other accessories all that’s you need to climb the nearest tree and look out over the land of liberty one more time for me if you will please and see how free most of us are and what price we paid to arrive at that site and what we will pay in the near future, well, maybe not us but our grandkids and such…and hopefully we wont fall and the mob with the rope won’t apply said rope to our necks and we’ll all jump for joy and our girl-toy and know for sure, racism has left for good. Only, not until then buddy….

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    lonecat  about 8 years ago

    I grew up in a small southern town and pretty much everybody, white and black, was relaxed about time. I really noticed the difference when I moved north and found out that people tended to be quite strict about being on time. My wife’s family is obsessed about time. Every event is tightly scheduled, and even a few minutes late is a big deal, even when it really makes no difference. It kind of drives me nuts. But then again, I know I drive them nuts because I don’t care about being on time. To me it’s just Southern time.

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