Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for May 05, 2016

  1. Aliens2
    fhoffman01  about 8 years ago

    Notta’s BUSTED!

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  about 8 years ago

    It’s so wrong, seeing Kleen work for Tracy.

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  3. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 8 years ago

    Putty Puss confirmed, so it will be off to Happydale next. (… assuming they know that’s where he’s been living.)

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  4. Image
    stsparky  about 8 years ago

    Putty is likely MIA.

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  5. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 8 years ago

    Solved pretty quick & easy- now to catch him.

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  6. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  about 8 years ago

    One other thing….Mr. Kleen is EXACTLY the type of lawyer you want if Tracy decides to do what he should do – sue the pants off Wichel, her network AND the mayor.

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  7. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 8 years ago

    One step at a time. Tracy (and the Asp? Remember shudder him?) have to locate Harvey “Putty Puss” Niav; capture him; bring him in to the cops (or get Sam to arrest him legally); get Tracy re-instated; get a conviction of Putty Puss at least and preferably of Notta Fallar also; and do all this while contending behind the scenes with Mayor Armstrong. Maybe “T-Bolt” (Lee Ebony undercover) can get some useful testimony from Blaze Rise. A lot of things still need to come together even though Tracy has identified Putty Puss from the video in the presence of Sam and Mr. Kleen (“I’ve got the chops if you’ve got the [War]bucks”)….

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  8. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  about 8 years ago

    Folks, remember back on 4/26 we saw that Notta gave Screwball, Putty Puss’s info so he could avenge the death of his brother!

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  9. Kindle camera 1443833573000
    artheaded1  about 8 years ago

    So there is a tattoo on the shoulder, which means his shirt is off, which makes me wonder how “graphic” this video is supposed to be.

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  10. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  about 8 years ago

    .Good morning guys!.I suspect that Putty Puss is no longer in the asylum.

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  11. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  about 8 years ago

    “By the by, Mr. Tracy – I’m running a ‘two-fer’ special on additional libel lawsuits for Wendy Wichel and SBN News…”

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  12. Logo
    Chris Sherlock  about 8 years ago

    Some good detective work on Tracy’s part.

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  13. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 8 years ago

    oh yah, cuz when putty puss took of his shirt blaze just HAPPENED to overlook that GLARING detail!

    once again, unrealistic….and seems like tracy saved warbucks some cash since mr kleen did absolutely NOTHING to find evidence to clear tracy

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  14. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  about 8 years ago

    One can’t help but ‘think’ - that with that unique “ability” to change his Nose, Chin, etc *… to look LIKE Dick Tracy that it would be ‘small potatoes’ to hide that tattoo mark ! ?;-)

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  15. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I suspect this was a special case – that the tattoo was so Putty Puss could be identified, regardless of what face he used. He may have agreed to it as part of a plea deal.

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  16. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I have an idea for a spinoff strip – “Better Call Kleen” lol

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  17. Charlotte head transparent
    Jelfring Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Blaze is not happy with this caper. Perhaps she purposely allowed the tattoo on Putty Puss’ shoulder to appear in the video.

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  18. Charlotte head transparent
    Jelfring Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Blaze is not happy with this caper. Perhaps she purposely allowed the tattoo on Putty Puss’ shoulder to appear in the video.

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  19. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member about 8 years ago

    One more thing – I believe that is a Flintstones-style tie that Barney is wearing in the first two panels :)

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  20. Missing large
    Ken in Ohio  about 8 years ago

    Perhaps Don Bagert is right – this was a special case only because, by his very nature, Putty Puss is otherwise impossible to keep track of. But a few extra words of explanation in today’s strip would certainly have been useful to make that clear. Otherwise, my first thought was similar to gleeb’s – since when did the correctional facilities in this country start tattooing inmates?Also tsull2121 and avenger09 have real good points – This was a scam that depended on making everyone think the man in the video was Tracy. Yet, cold, calculating Notta never thought that a tattoo might just possibly give the show away? Unless, from her position, she never saw it, and Blaze was smart enough to just keep quite about it, because she didn’t approve of this whole idea in the first place.You know, it does seem sometimes as if we on this board spend lots of time each day filling in the blanks. We read the strip and then write comments trying to settle what exactly Mike meant when he wrote it. We would not want to get bogged down in endless exposition, but a few more carefully chosen words each day might help clarify what the writer meant to tell us.

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  21. Mysta cutie
    yumpinyiminey  about 8 years ago

    Notta’s BUSTED!-———-In more ways than one! ;o)-———-LOL! Good one!

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  22. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  about 8 years ago

    Get arrested in Tracy’s Chicago, get tattooed like cattle.-———————————Not likely.Putty Puss probably did what many people do, and got it himself.I thought some time ago that he’d likely have some kind of mark (tattoo or scar) that Tracy didn’t.

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    abdullahbaba999  about 8 years ago

    Its all making sense now??

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  24. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  about 8 years ago

    “It certainly is slander by way of a hoax.”True, but does that add up to a criminal charge? Perhaps Notta could be charged with criminal mischief of some type, but I think it would be difficult stick, especially if she claimed it was just a fantasy video, not intended to harm anyone. Slander and libel are issues that would be handled in a civil suit, not a criminal case.

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  25. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 8 years ago

    What he needs to be defended from is the unfair suspension without pay. In that way, Mayor Armstrong is more guilty than anyone else.

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    Jerryjohn52  about 8 years ago

    Putty Puss was scheduled to return to the facility he was at because he was given a pass only for work purposes. If he didn’t return there I’m sure they would send someone to look for him because he is still considered a dangerous felon regardless of state of mind. I’m sure the police have a record of where he is. The only question is did Screwball get to him first? Finding Notta is a more difficult problem.

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