Nick Anderson for April 12, 2016

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    King_Shark  about 8 years ago

    I’m surprised by the animosity which certain “liberal” (haha) cartoonists have for Burnie. After all, it’s not as though he’s anything unprecedented, or that he’s going to be able to change Amerikastani imperialism – what with his votes in support of bombing Serbia, funding to occupy Iraq, aiding Ukranazis, and anti-Assadism; his support to the zionist racist apartheid entity in its oppression of the Palestinians and of the military industrial complex; and his pledge to continue the blood soaked war criminal Barack Hussein Obama’s drone wars against us brown people.

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    B_Da Author Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Why is college more expensive than $billion giveaways to oil companies?

    Why is health care more expensive than $trillion wars for oil?

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  3. Noh8 tw
    socalvillaguy Premium Member about 8 years ago


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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 8 years ago

    He’s explained how to pay for those things and it makes sense. The DNC has explained why they set up a system to make sure their hand-picked candidate gets the nomination and it makes sense, too. The difference is, the people benefit from Bernie’s math and get screwed by the DNCs.

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    Flash Gordon  about 8 years ago

    “It’s as easy as two plus two equals four.”“No, two times two equals four.”“Oh, I see. …… Wait, what?”

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Don’t forget Bernie’s trickle down tax increases that will surely hit the middle class.

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    Rather than attacking each other’s proposals, it would benice if our public servants did some actual work to solve the problem. (Click on image to enlarge.)

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 8 years ago

    mikefive hit the nail on the head. The cost is almost three hundred billion and that doesn’t include housing and meals. That amount is three times what the federal government currently spends on education and it certainly is a large number to add to the federal budget. It is easy to propose something, it is quite another thing to get a conservative congress to vote funds for it. Even if they did, the only place they could get the money would be to increase taxes by a little less than half a trillion dollars. Bernie heart’s id in the right place but his math shows definite signs of senility. He has absolutely no clue on how he would make any of it happen.

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  9. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 8 years ago

    Do any of you people actually READ Bernie’s proposals? For that matter, stop talking about this like it is fantasy land! What he is proposing would make him MODERATE TO CONSERVATIVE in Europe, because everything he proposes already exists and is working just fine, thank you.Will it be easy? No. But when 1% of the population now owns more wealth than the bottom 90%, it’s totally clear where the money can come from – a more equitable tax code, which currently whacks the middle class and ignores a lot of unearned income held only by the rich. ( Christ, people, the average Fortune 500 CEO makes an AVERAGE of $10.5 million a YEAR, according to Forbes, hardly a left-wing institution, and it has been continuing to go up relative to labor for thirty years. (The highest in 2012 was the CEO of McKesson, who made $112m from stock options.)And the hidden profits of corporations, as now revealed by the Panama Papers, is in the TRILLIONS.

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  10. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 8 years ago

    Oh: average CEO salary: versus worker pay:

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  11. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    Are you suggesting Sanders is going to institute a Financial Transactions Tax where he takes a Delegate every time she purchases a block of Delegates? He’ll expand Delegate Social Security and make the top Delegate winner put in an equal amount of Delegates to the percentage they earn? He’ll take a few Delegates from each nominee so if either of them are sick, they can continue to receive Delegates and be able to jump right back in the race? He’ll provide Free Delegate services so Presidential nominees won’t have to get emergency delegates and tax the entire delegate system and end up costing more in the long run?His math to pay for college and health care do make sense, it is not the same math as his delegate math. He needs to win the rest of the primaries by a lot. As shown in this toon, there are plenty of people out there who would rather the 1% keep all the money and keep the other 90% down for their amusement.

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    kaffekup   about 8 years ago

    God forbid we should live in a healthy, educated society. We’d much rather pay top dollar for everything .After all, all we should be is a profit center for someone else’s benefit.

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    ARodney  about 8 years ago

    The difference between the GOP and Bernie is that Bernie actually has numbers that he can show.

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    braindead Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Yeah, pie in the sky.

    He should have said that Mexico would pay for it.

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  15. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  about 8 years ago

    If you missed it, folks, go back up and read motivemagus’ comment. Then read it again.

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  16. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 8 years ago

    In fact, the auto bailout was largely paid off, and turns out to be absolutely worth it.

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    cphite  about 8 years ago

    “Why is college more expensive than $billion giveaways to oil companies?”

    Because college involves actual spending, whereas the supposed “giveaways” to oil companies are actually tax breaks that are available to nearly any business. It doesn’t involve actually “giving” money to oil companies; it simply means taking less away from them in the form of taxes.

    Only in the world of government does NOT stealing money from someone equate to “giving” that someone money.

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  18. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Free college does not add up as the money has to come from some where. But the incredable rise in the cost of college does not add up in a supposedly competitive market. I think Bernie’s idea about free a free college is that it will payoff in the long run in generating more taxes from higher paying jobs, fewer people on the government dole, and help reduce crime because people will have other opportunities. I do not think there will be a big rush to college as you still have to get through college. Will it pay off? I do not know. The GI education after WWII where many people got to go to college for free paid off in the large expansion in the US economy and the middle class..Historians say the GI Bill fueled a major expansion of the nation’s higher education system and made college a cornerstone of middle-class American life..The GI Bill provided the education for 14 Nobel Prize winners, three Supreme Court justices, three presidents, a dozen senators, two dozen Pulitzer Prize winners.. far as single payer health insurance , it will pay for itself and more as it just moving premiums and co-pays already being paid. Health care industry is not a free market. Single payer would save money with better negotiating leverage, administrative-right now hospitals have to deal with a multiple insurance companies forms- everyone with insurance less reliance on emergency rooms, pay general physicans and specialist more inline because the “free market” is not meeting the need, better primary care leads to better health and reduced costs.Right now our health care is on treating the disease and often not curing it because their is more money to be made in that and less in preventive care. Could go on..Even with single payer people could still pay for additional services and because it would be a choice you would see a free market in this health care space.

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    ron2nips  about 8 years ago

    You are TOO funny Nick, thank you for making Bernie S. eligible at any age to ride his Unicorn back to College. Ha!

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  20. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 8 years ago

    What? Come on Bernie we all know (us Socialists, that is) that 2+2= what ever you want!! The real fun part is taking money away from one person, defined as part of “the 1%”. Giving it away? No, only Liberals do that, not Socialists!

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  about 8 years ago

    Aaaw, is someone scared he might get through now?

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