Steve Breen for August 05, 2010

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    Disney has been a BIG player in “privatizing” public lands and increasing fees for use of public lands for recreation, for quite a while. Those increasing entrance fees, campground fees, and other fees are largely the result of the “Disneyfication” of public lands and contracting for services the government actually did better, and a LOT CHEAPER! Watching the transition was sickening to those of us trying to preserve and protect the public lands, and the public’s interests.

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    myming  over 13 years ago

    admission in 1955 = $1.00 admission in 2010 = \/

    not counting gas/parking…

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Disney is probably the creepyest place on earth. Real places have visible flaws. Overly-perfect places, reality forced to mimic fairy tale, reminds me too much of insanity or a drug trip.

    Sleeping Beauty’s castle was inspired by a castle built by a prince of Bavaria who went insane.

    I like when the dirt is where I can see it. Normal people are not perfect. Now I try to keep my distances from people who seem like perfect and too “normal”. Often, they hide the worst secrets of all.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    We need a constitutional amendment to ban this greed. Y’know, for Biblical reasons.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    Interesting. myming, my sister just went to Disneyland, one person, one day, and believe she said it was about $150, twice what they advertise. Her kids have “season” tickets, as did my brother for Disneyworld in Florida.

    That’s what you can expect to pay for a campsite on Federal (public) land if the contractors (read Disney) get their way.

    We should remember with regard to Mr. Disney how many he turned in, falsely, to the McCarthy debacle. His rules for workers made Sharia law look “tame”.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Disney was anti-semite.

    if only he just made movies! There’s nothing wrong in telling fairytales to children. What scares me is how much energy is invested in molding a real place in real life into a fairytale where appearance is everything that people can almost believe is true. Ever heard of the town of Celebration? It’s the perfect example of a place where reality is sacrificed to fantasy.

    Healthy adults can face the not-idealistic and innocent sides of life (sexuality, poverty, work, stress) and deal with them in a healthy way without returning to a fantasized and idealized version of their childhood (because nobody’s childhood was really perfect. We have idealized memories of it when we grow up.)

    One of my university professors told me about what he called the “Time Magazine reality”. It’s those ads without a single parent, non-smiling family as far as the eye can see. It’s those tampon ads with blue liquid and dancing women in their period, MTV reality and generation Pepsi…it teaches that stress is an illness and that unhappyness is not part of an healthy life. Therefore, we are stressed of being stressed and think there is something wrong with us just because we are not like people on tv.

    Actually, stress is a part of life. There are bad days and good days.

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    comYics  over 13 years ago

    Taxes may have raised and their water and electric bills may have increased, hence that price hike.

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