Clay Jones for December 03, 2015

  1. Img5
    King_Shark  over 8 years ago

    …as I am at drawing ISIS flags.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    The NRA and today Paul Ryan go on and on about it’s only a “mental health problem”, well, unless the shooter is Muslim, then it’s terrorism.

    BUT: 95% of all fatal car accidents occur UNDER 35 MPH, yet law enforcement spends most of their traffic time writing tickets on freeways that are thousands of times safer than surface streets, even at 70 miles per hour. (Note, going 5mph slower than traffic on a freeway is 500TIMES more likely to cause an accident than driving 10 mph over and staying in that fast lane the slow driver refuses to give up.)

    95% of gun violence is perpetrated by folks with NO MENTAL DISORDERS, only 5% or less are the result of mentally distured folks, even though “mass” shootings that make the press, not to include mass shootings by gang-bangers of course, do seem to display more derangement.

    NRA and Ryan say only provide more mental health focus, on 5% of the real problem of course, just like the cop beside the freeway with radar or laser detector, hidden behind the bushes.

    The problem is too easy access to guns, and simply making all purchases subject to the same restrictions as a concealed carry permit, would weed out 80% plus of those illegal/bad purchases, and reduce the traffic in stolen or “straw purchase” weapons as well.

    Yes, I’m a gun owner, combat veteran, former law enforcement officer, CCP holder, and trained shooter. I am NOT an NRA member, as the LaPierre crowd poses the greatest threat to my ownership due to their total opposition to rational regulation.

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  3. Scotsman
    ZomVee  over 8 years ago

    They have been hate filled since muhammed was born. Do you not know about the history of the muslims? They have been killing infidels waaaay before the U.S. was even founded.

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  4. Missing large
    manteo16nc  over 8 years ago

    Hey, Clay Jones, don’t forget to draw Carly Fiorina as an accessory to murder, like you did earlier.

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  5. Scotsman
    ZomVee  over 8 years ago

    Wahhabi islamist are the cancer I speak, sorry for not clarifying. #ImpeachObama

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