John Deering for November 30, 2015

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    ARodney  over 8 years ago

    Did you notice any leadership from the front-running GOP candidates over the weekend on the shooting issue? Of course not. After years of criticizing Obama on his supposed lack of leadership, not a single one of them can stand on his or her own two feet and condemn the lies that incite violence against policemen and veterans. Obama has no trouble criticizing those on the left when they use out-of-bounds rhetoric, because he’s a leader. There’s not a single one of the GOP field qualified to be president.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    I see liberal bigotry in coverage of this Colorado shooting.Without a shred of evidence, reporters and commentators on the Left Of Center rush to judgment that the shooter is “pro-life” and of course a Republican.-I saw no arrested shooter wearing a “pro-life” shirt.I read comments reported by his neighbors, and they said the shooter never talked about religion or politics. IMO that is evidence that Mr. Dear WAS NOT GOP OR PRO-LIFE.-Reports I saw on many sites revealed that he was not able to actually get inside the PP clinic, but was in a building with a connecting door. So how is he a proven “anti-PP” activist?-Liberals use the violent actions of mentally-impaired persons, to invent their versions in order to attack their pet enemies=Christians and Republicans. Period. Case closed.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Dear is definitely nuts, based on interviews from his neighbors in South Carolina and Colorado, but “no more baby parts” does indicate one factor in his total “mindset”.

    This man’s actions demand no defense, or distractions, by anyone.

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  4. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 8 years ago

    After this terrible violence, a Democratic governor asked political people to tone down the violence of their rhetoric, and Mike Huckabee, who is a Republican politician and would-be preacher, immediately replied with an incendiary comment . It is likely that the man is mentally ill — so the real guilt lies with the politicians and people at Fox and such who use fear to make money and so must supply their listeners with many “others” to blame for their personal miseries. He didn’t come up with the issue on his own; he had to have heard it from the rabid rightists who have repeatedly attacked Planned Parenthood and anyone else who purports to give women rights over the use of their own bodies. These same folks are big on free speech, but not the freedom of women to decide for themselves. Such blatant hypocrisy, all in the name of power and money.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @wolf in our midst….I did not claim that was “evidence” but I posted to give my opinion on how the Lefties ignore “no evidence” to substantiate the false versions they invent in cases like the mental case shooter who apparently cannot focus in order to answer questions from authorities after his arrest.-If people who knew this man claim they never heard him talk about politics or religion, I think that is an indicator that he was not shooting people for the reason of politics or religion.He was reported to have said “no more baby parts” so we know he did watch and listen to news, because in 2015 we had Fox News reporting and even airing parts of videos of PP executives participating in a “sale” of baby parts and talking about the range of prices for various organs. Any human with even an ounce of mental ability should have reacted to that news with disapproval. PP later said publicly they would “stop charging prices” for baby body parts. They did not say they would stop providing body parts of aborted babies…and witnesses have reported to the media that some babies were still alive when parts were cut out….especially gruesome was the one baby that felt pain when scissors cut its chin to scalp to get the brain. Did evil Nazis ever go that far in Germany? (medical info says the preborn feel pain at about 3 to 4 weeks after conception).-I’ll leave it to God to say who is worse on killing….PP or a mentally handicapped man who may have thought he could save pre-borns by stopping their killers who are protected by one of the worst legal decisions ever voted 5-4 and written into our law code.

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 8 years ago

    Our country has changed almost beyond recognition in the last 40 years. Mainly due to greed and the love of money, combined with so many people seem to be born without a sense of empathy, without compassion or even love for their families.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Slate (I know, “lefties”) has a good artilce on borders, like banning crossing from North and South Carolina to the rest of the U.S.. The article ties to the shooters who were not just from the Carolinas, but also radical “good Christians”. The affiliation of violent folks to violent “Christian” organizations is also valid.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @Wabbit….Zionism is God’s Plan for the Land He promised Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all their Jewish descendants.-Read the Bible and learn that God is the First and & #1 Zionist.-God established Israel and gave them all the land from the Nile River in Egypt to the lower Euphrates River, with borders in today’s Lebanon, when the Biblical map is put over modern maps of the area.-God did not give the Land of Canaan to Arabs. God gave it to the Jews for eternity on an eternal earth. When God the Son (Jesus, the only Saviour that exists for believers of Mankind) returns and stands on Mount Zion, and sets up God’s 1,000 year Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with Jesus the King ruling from the restored throne of King David.-No human has any part of deciding God’s Plan. The Jews’ “Deed” is the scriptures of the Bible, and only Jesus can end our evil governments and change earth and nature back to Edenic days….all in harmony. I look forward to that time and I know that every day brings it closer to fulfillment.

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  9. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 8 years ago

    Easy access to assault rifles and cowardly politicians are part of the problem.

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  10. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Did you ever notice that the shooters are men? How do they have the time to do all of this protesting, don’t they have jobs and lives to deal with? Besides abortion is a moot point. It is the law of the land.

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    lesmcf  over 8 years ago

    .The anti-abortionists want you to believe all abortions are murder and not necessary. Here are three reason for abortions-avoid the birth of a fetus produced though rape or incest, to prevent the birth of a hopelessly deformed fetus, and to prevent the possible death of the mother who through some illness cannot give birth. The rabid anti-abortionist should worry about their own foibles and leave others to make their own decisions.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Helped a lady with a miscarriage once, the fetus was anencephalic and her husband asked me NOT to let her see her baby, a psychologically wise move. There are indeed reasons for abortions, which is why “God” aborts 50% of all fertilized embryos, and also causes many miscarriages to occur when the fetus can’t survive.

    Abortion shouldn’t be a principle means of birth control, which is WHY Planned Parenthood does far more to prevent unwanted FERTILIZATION, than in providing access to abortion services.

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