Lisa Benson for November 12, 2015

  1. Large st louis cardinals v washington nationals ua7vcmfxcyll
    Stryk428  over 8 years ago

    I need to know if he’s really against the Geneva Convention and what cuts he’s going to make to make up for the huge loss of revenue from his 15% flat tax and if he really believes the Supreme Court can’t rule that laws are unconstitutional.

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    lbatik  over 8 years ago

    Really? I mean…really?

    Republicans do not do their reputation any favors when the top Republican candidates tell blatant lies and spout utter, awful, obvious craziness, and their supporters pretend that it’s all someone else’s fault.

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    jan  over 8 years ago

    I’d like to know if you also believe that the Pyramids were grain silos, Lisa.

    Seriously, if the claimed record of a candidate for the highest political office is vetted by the media and that record is found to have serious issues you think that is the fault of the media?

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    Gypsy8  over 8 years ago

    You can forgive the man when he is a good looking skilled doctor who knows his criticize Obama and Hillary talking points.

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    dre7861  over 8 years ago

    Lisa, your grain elevator does not go all the way to the top of your pyramid.

    Your cartoon would only be true if you showed Carson dousing himself with the gas. Maybe he did in one of his fanciful tales of his “Bad” youth – and Carson was “Bad” like Michael Jackson was “bad.”

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Can’t the conservatives find anybody in the party who is more or less normal? The president really needs to have both the Congress and Supreme Court to go along with changes. Maybe they would all be for building a pyramid in Washington and filling it with grain.

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    DrDon1  over 8 years ago

    Where are Benson’s lemmings who should be praising this ’toon???

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 8 years ago
    For at least the past two generations, Republicans have depended on the Religious Right types to support them, and they have been very dependable, despite the fact that very few of them have enough money that they were not working against their own best interests. For them, it didn’t have anything to do with economics, because they were convinced that the Republicans believed in the Family Values agenda- anti-gay, anti-abortion, etc. Somehow they managed not to notice that once Republicans were elected, they completely ignored that agenda, or make it a trade-off for securing the goals of the 1%ers who were controlling the Republican party. In fact, they rarely mentioned those issues unless they were using them as a bargaining chip—- until the next time they needed volunteers, when it again became their mantra.After at least 40 years, the Religious Right finally figured out that the Establishment Republicans were playing them for fools, which created the Tea Party, and they are continuing to prove they are fools by voting against anyone who isn’t an Establishment Republican. The fact that they are considering Donald Trump, who has the Family Values credentials of a tomcat, but at least isn’t part of the Establishment Republicans is an indication of just how desperately they hate the establishment. The question is: Are there more Republicans who will vote for the Establishment candidate who will again be in the pocket of the Koch brothers, or will they vote for ANYONE else, even if that someone is also playing them for fools? And, after all these years, have enough Republicans wised up enough to figure out what is going on in their own party and make their choice based on reality instead of choosing between liars?
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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 8 years ago

    “Clearly he needs to prove he’s not a secret muslim from Kenya pretending to be from Hawaii.”Let’s be fair now! Carson is from Detroit, everyone knows that. There are a lot of Muslims in the Detroit area, know that I think about it.Coincidence? Hmmm…

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    (Lisa is NOT “the Media”…(MSM).The “Media” means ABC, CBS, NBC, the cable TV “news”,the major newspapers, the Internet Websites (Politico, Salon, NRO, etc).-Thanks, Lisa, for summing up the ongoing Media Smear Campaign of selected GOP candidates, the Liberal/Democratic Media’s campaign to support, promote and hype Hillary’s propaganda!

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    HabaneroBuck  over 8 years ago

    I think Ben Carson is a strange case, and I’m not going to defend him in cases where he is found to be prevaricating to some degree, but the contrast between his vetting and that of Obama is ridiculous. The entire Obama birth certificate fiasco, for example. Obama let the issue fester, and the media supported him in his opacity for years. When did he change his name from Barry Soetoro back to Barack Obama? Was he ever a foreign student? Etc…

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    Dr. Ben Carson has NOT been proven to be a “prevaricator”.-Just about all the claimed “lies by Carson” have been disputed by persons who were there and who knew the truth….but the Media in their malpractice “reporting”, who made the false accusations, are not reporting those verifications that Carson told the truth!

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    lonecat  over 8 years ago

    I don’t care so much if Carson embellished his biography; we all do a little of that. (My second Nobel Prize, for instance.) I’m much more concerned that he believes absolutely kooky stuff, and believes that he is in a position to make judgements in areas where he has no expertise. That’s troubling.

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    As much as they’ve looked, they’ve found no one to support his stories. I’m glad they are looking, too often the MSM are typists for the republican Party.

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    doverdan  over 8 years ago

    Carson said all these strange things, not the media..The purpose was for the needed drama to make money by selling his books to Evangelicals, (who he believes are worshiping Satan, if he has any real faith in the teachings of the Adventist cult.),

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    madone   over 8 years ago

    More liberal white racism.

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    Tarredandfeathered  over 8 years ago

    Here’s the chart that shows just How delusional, not just Carson, but all the Others are too, about their ability to “Balance” the budget:..

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    doverdan  over 8 years ago

    @disgustedamericanDr. Ben Carson has NOT been proven to be a “prevaricator”.-Just about all the claimed “lies by Carson” have been disputed by persons who were there and who knew the truth….but the Media in their malpractice “reporting”, who made the false accusations, are not reporting those verifications that Carson told the truth! . . . -—————————————There must be whole pages of his books without a single lie. .But the press is giving him a free pass because so many of their readers believe he is partners with Christ.

    .Ben Carson just now has declared that his older brother (Curtis Carson, an aeronautical engineer with Parker Aerospace in Tyrone, Georgia) is ‘not interested’ in vouching for his past.. Why won’t he help his brother?

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    DoctorUmmmNo  over 8 years ago

    “That’s discretionary spending, not total federal spending. Most of total federal spending is Social Security and Medicare.”Two huge, wasteful programs, coddling people who are too stupid to plan ahead.

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