Lalo Alcaraz for August 31, 2015

  1. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Oh, Chris Christie, you and your wacky ideas. Actually, it smacks of a desperate attempt to gain some relevance in the Republican presidential field by doing the only thing that seems to work these days: sound as crazy as possible. Bonus points for playing to the xenophobic crowd.

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  2. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  over 8 years ago

    Or, maybe he’d rather go back to this:

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  3. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    Or maybe just wear a scarlet I on everything.

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  4. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  over 8 years ago

    This is actually something I’m very afraid of happening in the end…especially if Trump has his way.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Apparentlly the pimps are now branding their imported sex workers as property.

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  6. Beagle dog 017
    alc7 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I’d say his “days” are numbered.

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  7. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    And yet somehow Christie thinks FedEx would be able to come up with some way to do it. Which tells me that he has a profound misunderstanding of the fundamental differences between packages and human beings. Why not ask, oh, I don’t know, some company or agency that has expertise in keeping track of human beings rather than inanimate objects? Truly, the silliness is strong with anyone who would defend Christie on this one.

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  8. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Company or agency that has expertise in keeping track of human beings…maybe because there is not any…

    Exactly! You got it in one!

    And yet Christie thinks a package company that slaps barcodes on packages could do better.

    “Over the course of a year, the Internal Revenue Service processed and paid out $12.1 million in fraudulent tax refund claims submitted using the stolen names and Social Security numbers of 5,108 dead people.” -FORBES

    Oh my goodness gracious! That’s going to do us all in! It completely overshadows the $600 billion (yes, with a “b”) the IRS doesn’t collect each year. And who are the main offenders? Well, according to that aforementioned left-wing rag Forbes, it’s the wealthy! Bet you didn’t see that one coming. Oh, bonus question: what’s a large part of the reason the IRS isn’t able to collect this money that, by law, the wealthy owe? If you chose “because the Republicans have been steadily defunding the IRS,” you’re spot on! Congratulations!

    Leaving aside your penny-wise, pound-foolish focus on the IRS (actually, more like penny-wise, $500 foolish, when you calculate the actual proportions—yep, that’s a 50,000:1 ratio), you’ve just demonstrated that folks who are arguably experts at tracking people (though the hapless IRS is hardly the best example) are not terribly good at keeping track of folks who don’t want to be kept track of. And yet Chris Christie thinks an outfit that only ships inanimate objects (yes, for the pedants out there, it ships animals—in crates and boxes) can whip up a surefire way to keep track of everyone. An outfit that, I might add, loses 1 in every 200 packages it ships.

    Defend Christie??? from what a lame attempt to link a discussion on technology to the Holocaust?

    What exactly makes it lame? Maybe you don’t realize that the Holocaust was a hotbed of technological application, including bureaucratic technologies used to keep track of people (tattoos included). Aside from the Holocaust, there are any number of dystopian works of fiction that envision tracking through tattooed bar codes and the like. But maybe you’d rather go the implanted chip route. The optics aren’t as bad, right?

    And after all is said and done, you’re still defending a man who has proposed to go to a package shipment company to figure out how to keep track of humans. And have made no argument whatsoever for why this is anything other than a crackpot idea.

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  9. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Never miss the chance to change the subject…

    Wait, who was the one to bring up the IRS? And if we’re on the subject of effective government, then we need to be honest about what’s impeding it. For instance, if for some reason you really want Christie to track every. single. immigrant, you’re going to need effective government, aintcha?

    which means they know they have lost it….

    But they don’t know where it is, now do they?

    In summary, looking at technology from an logistic company is thinking out of the “box”….

    No, it’s thinking about boxes. But hey, let’s play the “out of the box” game. Why not ask FedEx to tell us how to deliver bombs to their targets? Or let’s have the ice cream truck man tell FedEx how to run its delivery routes.

    Should we not reserve references to the Holocaust for actual Human right abuses.

    You don’t think the sort of tracking Christie is proposing falls under human rights abuses. Well you know, by the same logic, wearing a yellow star wasn’t a human rights abuse either. And see where that got us.

    But what all this is telling me is that you actually like Christie’s 1/8-baked idea of somehow constantly physically tracking every person who comes across our borders. So, how you gonna do that without violating at least three or four constitutional amendments in the process? Because you know, the Constitution doesn’t just apply to citizens within our borders, much as some people might wish. Oh, and by the way, say goodbye to the over 65 million foreign tourists that come here every year, because none of them are going to want to visit a place that requires a chip in their shoulder or a tracker locked around their ankle. Yep, let’s just kill an industry that employs about eight million people because the GOP has let itself go to the xenophobes. Nice.

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  10. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Well actually in a way you did…

    No, I actually didn’t. How about, oh, I dunno, the folks already tasked with keeping track of folks, like ICE. Or maybe the Social Security Administration? Or, say, state and federal prison systems? All of which, we would probably both agree, are less than perfect at that whole keeping track thing because keeping track of humans is more challenging than herding cats. So why pick the IRS, of all things?

    Re: wearing a yellow staragain right for the Holocaust references

    In this case the shoe fits, so Christie has to wear it. I don’t use Holocaust references lightly, but the sort of measures Christie, Trump, and their ilk are proposing are exactly the sorts of things that lead to race-based pogroms. It might be helpful for you to educate yourself on what became termed the “Mexican Repatriation” in the 1930s, in which as many as 2 million people were displaced from the US to Mexico, 60% of whom were US citizens.

    Re: But they don’t know where it is, now do they?When an immigrant is lost to the system it means they are not SSI, EBT, welfare, etc…

    And yet a shipper of inanimate objects is supposed to magically come up with some way to fix this.

    Re: How to deliver bombsB 10 o’clock the next day….

    I’ll take this attempt at a joke as acknowledgment that you don’t really have a response to that particular argument.

    Re: chips, ankle trackers,wow you really go off the deep end to fill in for words that Christie never said…

    Hey, you’re the one wanting to “think outside the box.” Or maybe you have some other idea of how to keep constant physical track of visitors to the US so you can follow through on Christie’s words: “We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in, and then when your time is up … however long your visa is, then we go get you. We tap you on the shoulder and say, ‘Excuse me. Thanks for coming. Time to go.’” Any ideas, hotshot?

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  11. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    So now you can name an agency… keeping track of folks, like ICE? How is that working so far…

    Um, you’re once again making my point exactly. And failing to make any point about how bringing FedEx in would help. I’m assumed maybe because you actually don’t want to be on record arguing something so ridiculous, but you proved me wrong about that.

    Re: I don’t use Holocaust references lightlyNo… you just accidentally go to the systematic death of millions when you do not like some one suggest that we enforce the immigration laws…

    Christie’s not simply talking about enforcing immigration laws. As you well know, he’s proposing some way of somehow keeping continuous tabs on the physical location of anyone who’s come in with a visa. (Which begs the question as to how he proposes to deal with folks who don’t come in with a visa at all.)

    Re: I don’t use Holocaust references lightlyNo… you just accidentally go to the systematic death of millions when you do not like some one suggest that we enforce the immigration laws…

    It wasn’t accidental, was it? There’s a continuum of race-based and xenophobic hate, and the Republican Party is sliding quickly toward the wrong end of that graph. I’d wager the vast majority of the National Socialist Party—let alone Germans—had no idea of the end game that would be put into place once that party came to power. And we’re already seeing people being targeted with violence because of their perceived immigrant status, and saying they were inspired by Republican candidates. Will it get to the point of 1940s Germany? I sure as hell hope not. And to be honest, I really don’t think so. But the level of anti-immigrant hysteria being drummed up now, and that would be whipped up even more, is threatening people’s lives and livelihoods right now. So, sorry, you’re not going to be able to guilt me for making a wholly apt analogy about the dangerous road you’re traipsing down.

    Re: race-based pogroms.Again a Holocaust reference and news flash Mexican is not a race…

    Actually, pogroms took place in Europe long before the Nazis were even a force. Maybe you should look it up. As to Mexicans not being a race: hooray, you got that correct! Of course, Jews are not a race either, but that didn’t stop them from being racialized. And, as I just alluded to above, people are being racialized and violently attacked for having brown skin in this country. This is considered race-based violence. Heck, “race” doesn’t biologically exist at all in humans, and yet strangely enough, race-based violence and race-based pogroms continue to happen.

    Re: “Mexican Repatriation” in the 1930s, in which as many as 2 million people were displaced from the US to Mexico, 60% of whom were US citizens.Sounds like the Fathers and Mothers (non-citizens were deported and the US born children were taken back with them…

    That’s undoubtedly the case for many. But for many, many others, that was not the case at all. It was just “round ’em up now and ask questions never.” But it seems maybe you don’t actually care that US citizens, and other folks here legally, were rounded up by mobs rather than given the due process of law. Which says that you’re actually unserious about enforcing laws unless they suit your purpose.

    Did not think you possibly could be serious about Fed Ex delivery bombs…

    Just as I didn’t think you could be serious about FedEx tracking human beings, which was my point to begin with. But I’m not terribly surprised you think such an idea is actually a good one.

    By the way, your Clinton remark is, shall we say, not exactly fit for a family website such as this one. Classy.

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  12. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    *Closed Minds

    Some ideas need to be nipped in the bud right away. And the express purpose of calling for FedEx’s help in this case is to round up a whole class of millions of people—based strictly on xenophobia. So yeah, references to a National Socialist regime are entirely appropriate, much as you’d like to wish it away. I also note that you have nothing to say about that NY Times article I referenced.

    *Eat the Rich“Keeping track” of something does not equate to “keeping track of how much someone owes in taxes” much less than “why someone owes more or less in taxes”

    It’s interesting how much you’re interested in defending the wealthy from having to follow the same laws as the rest of us. Classic right-wing sentiment, so not surprising. It’s also interesting that you seem to imply it’s harder to track money through electronic systems than it is to track human beings. Which may go at least some way toward explaining why you think a package-tracking company (one which refuses to comment on the whole proposal to begin with) would know anything about tracking humans to the extent Christie would like.

    *Lock On Door“Just a modicum of common sense” on your partit is an analogy for the US protecting its borders…

    Um, I didn’t say I use the lock. Just that it was there when I moved in. And yes, your ham-fisted analogy was fairly obvious. Did you want a gold star for it? In any case, that analogy breaks down on so many fronts as to be useless. I’ll say this, though: unless you are Native American, you are an interloper in that poorly-analogous house of yours. Which means you should really have no say about its locks. If you’re uncomfortable with it, you can find some other place to stay. (Oh, see what I did there? I turned that right-wing “if you don’t like it leave” saying right around! Oh, so clever! Can I get a gold star too?)

    Fallacies of presumption error in logicRe: I never said I knew what you thought & "seems” and “maybe” were operative words there.Oh please… and I suppose that you had your fingers crossed

    No, when I place words on the screen, I do so deliberately and actually mean what I say. Do you have a different relationship with words? Are you trying to solidify the case against taking anything you say seriously?

    you “seem” to have missed the reference to “Dr Strangelove” and “maybe” you appear to have no sense of humor…

    I did indeed miss the reference to “Dr. Strangelove.” Care to point it out?

    As for a sense of humor, it may indeed appear to you that I don’t have one. That’s totally up to your own perception. I personally find quite a lot of funny in life, so maybe it’s just that I have a different sense of humor. Oh, but I suppose “maybe” you were trying to hurt my feelings? If so, it wasn’t successful. Better luck next time?

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  13. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Closed MindRe: “Some ideas need to be “nipped” in the bud…”

    I’ll bet that you could quite easily come up with a whole raft of ideas that we would both agree should be nipped in the bud. Does this mean we have a closed mind when it comes to those ideas? I suppose. Does it mean we have closed minds in general? I’d say no. And just because you personally think an idea’s worth exploring doesn’t mean the rest of us need to think so.

    Bigot – a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions…. a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

    If you’re applying this to my objections to Christie’s numbskull idea, you’re stretching the definition of the word way beyond what it’s intended to be. In addition, if you’re to be consistent, you’d need to call yourself a bigot for holding on like a rabid puppy to the idea that comparisons to the Holocaust are verboten in this case.

    prejudice – an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Any preconceived opinion or feeling…

    Except that this opinion o’ mine wasn’t formed without knowledge or before Mr. Christie proposed it. And all of us come to life with all sorts of prejudices. But the fact that you imply you’re not prejudiced (or are you admitting to it by listing the word?) demonstrates that your arguments have petered out into a sad, flat state of failure.

    The NY Times article was unrelated to the topic at hand…

    No, in fact it was not. It was directly related to the attitudes toward and treatment of migrants. Or are you one of those who don’t think that we can learn lessons from places other than this exceptional land?

    Eat the RichRe: “defending the wealthy….”your examples about the “wealthy” are unrelated to the topic at hand…

    No, again it was not. To reiterate: considering that the IRS has, indeed, lost track of both a ton of wealthy people and their money (in much larger numbers than just those dead folks), what makes you think that a company that has no experience in tracking people at all would be able to come up with something? I keep asking this question, and you keep answering it. So, in fact, it is you who are refusing to address the exact topic at hand.

    Lock the doorRe: “I didn’t say I use the lock.”Oh then I take back that you have “a modicum of common sense”

    Except that you have no idea of where I live or what my experience is. Talk about preconceived notions!

    This made part made very little sense… are you giving your unlocked home to the Native Americans or what?

    It made just as little sense as your own analogy. So it seems you actually got one of my points after all. Congrats!

    Re: “I do so deliberately and actually mean what I say.”.which are all examples of fallacies of presumption errors in logic

    Except that they’re not. Maybe you should retake that correspondence course in philosophy you seem to be badly cribbing from.

    Re: “I did indeed miss the reference to “Dr. Strangelove.””Oh you “seem” to be obtuse and “maybe” you could give examples of what you find humorous…

    Um, I actually did miss the reference to Dr. Strangelove. It’s been a long time since I watched it. The fact that you saw fit to attack that statement doesn’t really speak well for your whole state of mind in this conversation. But I do remain open to having you point the reference out.

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  14. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    All the same unrelated points mixed with several new personal attacks….

    Why yes, you’ve described your own posts quite nicely. As far as the use of the word “you”, well, I’m just taking the time to acknowledge that I’m actually addressing another person. Whereas you have effectively pointed out that you would rather hide behind a list of word definitions that are at best tenuously linked to the original discussion.

    Dr. Strangelove hint.. survival kit contents…

    Why, thank you. I had forgotten about the nylons and lipstick.

    And now, since this conversation has lost all semblance of productiveness, I think it’s time to put it to rest. Unless, that is, you want to actually talk further about the issue at hand, which is Christie’s crazy proposal and the politics that have spawned it.

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