Jeff Danziger for August 06, 2015

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Just because you’re highly educated and accomplished, it don’t mean you’re smart.

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  2. Walter brennon avatar
    didereaux  almost 9 years ago

    The stupid gene is widely distributed among the human species.

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    emptc12  almost 9 years ago

    I watched him interviewed by Charlie Rose. Carson seemed very calm and in self-control. But what does that mean? It shows that, no matter who it is, we shouldn’t judge a person by physical appearance and demeanor through short interviews and sound bites. If they have written things related to their personal and political views, you must read those. And not just the likely ghost-written books that make them look good, either.

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    Tarredandfeathered  almost 9 years ago

    Historic inaccuracy: Most slaves were auctioned Naked so the “Buyers” could examine Every bit of them.A Slave with too many Scars from beatings was worth less because they were “Trouble”.But, you have to have them Naked to ensure the Seller wasn’t beating them only on the Legs or some other part that might have been hidden under clothing..Also, it would be Very Unusual for the Mother & Child to be sold as a Package deal.The sort of man who buys Children often had no “use” for the Mother..

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    twclix  almost 9 years ago

    Your hyperbole and that of “Dr Ben” is not only unwarranted, over the top, and inaccurate, it’s also just plain wrong on so many levels. The ACA is a republican idea. The ACA is a republican idea. The ACA is a republican idea. Normally such repetition itself is unwarranted. However, in cases of unusually willful ideological nonsense, I thought perhaps it bore repeating.

    Now, just because it’s a republican idea doesn’t automatically mean it’s a bad idea. In the case of the ACA, it’s the best our politicians can do. President Obama is the only president to have made forward strides in healthcare finance. His intelligence, demeanor, actions, and accomplishments are all the more striking given the unusually strident insults he has had to bear during his presidency. But he has stood tall and delivered. All I heard from the republican goobers on the Ohio stage about the ACA was the stock phrase “repeal and replace Obamacare.” But no republican plan ever emerges because the ACA IS THE REPUBLICAN PLAN. I hate to raise my voice but,mad St Ronnie said, facts are stubborn things.

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