Jim Morin for July 30, 2015

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    frodo1008  almost 9 years ago

    There is absolutely nothing that we as humanity can do about natural climate changes, even if they adversely affect our civilization.

    However, that is NOT true about our own activities and level of technology. And the technology of burning fossil fuels up for energy and transportation is an old and outdated one. We will not change over to newer more environmentally sound sources for these civilization maintaning activities overnight. It just is not going to happen that way, and any reasonable environmentalist knows this. <p.

    However, if humanity does not make a start to change the way it does thse activities (as the deniers seem to want) then we as humanity will never change until it is too late for our future generations. And either they will be stuck with having to make far more drastic changes, or possibly have a far more miserable life!!

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