Chip Bok for July 06, 2015

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    echoraven  almost 9 years ago

    “Pure Reaganomics! Spend without limit and borrow without limit to cover the spending.”.Reagan during his entire term; like Obama during the first half of his first term had Democrats in control of both houses and Congress controls spending. For most of the remainder of Obama’s terms he’s had a few RINOs helping him “spend without limits”.

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    Gerald Henley  almost 9 years ago


    Reaganomics worked!! We had the largest economic expansion in recent history. Obamanomics (more than doubling the national debt of all previous administrations combined) is destroying this country. The stimulus was just a slush fund to pay off the unions and donors to his campaign. You left wing nuts need to wake up and stop drinking the democratic Kool-Aid.

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