Clay Jones for June 24, 2015

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 9 years ago

    Big deal! Just another example of the media wanting to whip something up to get more ratings and sell more papers & mags!

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  2. Ministry of information taller
    Earle H Landry  almost 9 years ago

    Obama didn’t get it quite right.

    He labeled “nagger” as impolite. It is much more than that: it is taboo. Impolite terms (ugly, stupid, bigot, etc.) may not be USED in congenial conversations, but they can be MENTIONED as examples. Taboo words may not be pronounced.

    For instance, saying that “It is impolite to say someone is ‘stupid’,” is permissible (‘stupid’ is only mentioned, not used), but saying that “It is impolite to say someone is a ‘nagger’" (‘nagger’ is only mentioned, not used),” causes shock among humane listeners. The taboo is on the very pronunciation of the word.

    This is a bad situation. I thought Mel Brooks had broken the taboo, but obviously “Blazing Saddles” did not do the trick. We cannot discuss racism without including mention of the “N-word,” but we can do without it’s use.

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  3. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The cartoon is a understanding of how Obama used the N-word. The misunderstanding comes when you view his use through a racist eye or someone misinformed. People that do not believe in equality are the ones who are shocked.I agree with you Buddy Landry We cannot discuss racism without including mention of the “N-word,” but we can do without it’s use. It is the use that is the most important part.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Excellent point, NG49.

    It should be a (small) part of the national conversation on race, if we ever have one.

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    debauche  almost 9 years ago

    Right on! And, while you’re at it, don’t refer to me as "whitey, honkey or Jew-boy because even though I may look the part, I am none of those things. You can also stop the use of “native American” because those of us with “Amerind” heritage find it condescending and demeaning.

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  6. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  almost 9 years ago

    You misquoted coverage of the event.They checked IDs. They did NOT require them to be “Photo ID”..And what they were doing was matching the names of people who attended with the names on Reserved Tickets..Not the names on Voter Lists..

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Obama used it properly in context, which everyone wants to leave out of the discussion. Which, It’s always bothered me when musicians and comedians, like on “Def Comedy Jam” constantly spout it at every other word, like the “F” word as well, and claim, “It’s okay for ME to do it ‘cause ’He’s my brother’”. And interestingly, long ago would use the word for folks of a certain “attitude” across ALL races, and it did indeed go back a long time. Fact is words not only “hurt”, they KILL.

    In America today, what kind of hate and virulence pops up like a game of whack a mole with that word “Muslim”. Remember any of our enemies “titles” in every war we fought or fight.

    There IS a “quiet war” that’s still going on in America today, and it has to stop, and that is where Obama was going. From police, to those protesting them, I think there actually IS a use for another word I cited earlier, and that is why can’t we look at ALL humans as “brother”.

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