Ted Rall for May 18, 2015

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Well, Hersch’s story answers a few of the weaker parts of the original story. Like how he managed to live in the city where the Pakistan military was so strong.

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  2. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  about 9 years ago

    Because the had the backing of the Pakistani Intelligence Service.

    I doubt Osama is dead yet. I believe he was taken to Diego Garcia and is being actively interrogated. Of course, he’ll have to be killed, quietly, after he is of no more use as the administration has already said he’s dead. To tell the truth, I rather hope that’s how it is.

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    wcorvi  about 9 years ago

    I saw Osama in a Flying Saucer on the way to Mars, with JFK and Elvis.

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  4. Img5
    King_Shark  about 9 years ago

    Osama bin Laden is now a fictional character.

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    We created him. It’s only right that we destroyed him.

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  6. Holyrat100
    Anarcissie  about 9 years ago

    I liked the original Arabian Nights version better, especially the part where the Djinn of the West sealed Osama bin Laden in a great jug with 108 curses and Seal of Solomon on it, and caused a great roc to carry it out over the Indian Ocean, where it was dropped into the sea, Or handed over to sea monsters. Whatever. The new version is all too realistic.

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  7. Selfportrait2013
    Ted Rall creator about 9 years ago

    I can’t believe no one thought the idea of terrorist body parts raining over the Hindu Kush was funny.

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  8. Me 9 at darth b
    Mickey and Delia  about 9 years ago

    Mr Rall reported on an article published around 11 May in the London Review of Books by the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who covered the My Lai victory by US soldiers. But Mr Rall didn’t give any links..http://www.lrb.co.uk/v37/n10/seymour-m-hersh/the-killing-of-osama-bin-laden.The London Independent first reported the story as true, just because it was loaded with facts and evidence and fit what we know much better than the official While House Version..The first New York Times article was White House Calls Bin Laden Article ‘Outright Falsehoods’.http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/05/11/us/politics/ap-us-white-house-bin-laden.html.The White House paints Hersh as a tinfoil-hat wearing conspiracy theorist. And we all know that whatever the White House says is right. If the White House decrees that up is down, only the tinfoil-hat wearers will continue to scream that up is up..The next day, however, the New York Times had some more articles about the Hersh article:.http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/12/magazine/the-detail-in-seymour-hershs-bin-laden-story-that-rings-true.html

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    @G KruseWhat be moran?

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  10. 393225553
    NathandeGargoyle  about 9 years ago


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  11. Leoold9
    AlanMintaka  about 9 years ago

    Yes! Hersh should know, because he…

    Wait. How’d he know again?

    Well, it doesn’t matter, as long as the report makes Obama look bad. Fair and Balanced,

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    twclix  about 9 years ago

    Actually, if W had simply gone over to the Hindu Kush (or wherever) with Pakistani help and killed the guy, we could have avoided a couple of trillion dollars of invasion and occupation expenses, saved thousands of American lives, prevented thousands of war injuries to service men and women, saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan lives, and preserved some shred of US global credibility. Who cares if the actual operation was covert? Who cares if the Pakistanis helped? If true, the Hirsch story doesn’t bother me in the slightest. What bothers me is that killing bin Laden was the last thing on W and Cheney’s mind when they started the Iraq war with lies and deceptions. They intended to invade Iraq from the start and fabricated “evidence” to justify it. That’s way more disturbing than killing some Islamic idiot with help from other Islamic idiots.

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    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    I’m sorry; that was darn funny!

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