Ted Rall for April 15, 2015

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    So raises are bad?Most Americans are actually making less than they did 6 years ago during the Great Recession since Barakk and the Dems took over.

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    twclix  about 9 years ago

    I will eat at McD’s if there’s no other choice. The food’s unhealthy. Carbs fried in industrial oils, sugar water to drink, sugar for desert. Yikes! So Ted got it right about my not eating there. But as for the workers, it’s a rotten job. One can only hope that it is the way the company describes: an entry level gig that can lead to better things. But then, hope springs eternal. Yes raising the min wage would help, but even doubling it would still not be very much money. The sad part is the right wing tends to characterize the working poor as lazy. In my experience many of these folks hold at least one more job to try to make ends meet.

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    jones.knik  about 9 years ago

    If you do your due diligence and study why the minimum wage and Davis-Bacon wages were started, you’ll find that they were started to keep blacks out of jobs that white folks wanted. Minimum wage is as bad as home mortgage interest tax deduction. Think about it, who gets the biggest mortgage interest tax deduction, probably Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon or Bernie Madoff. Most of what our illustrious democrats and republicans do is for Wall Street banksters.You partisans are such idiots, fighting over the minute differences between the two parties. They’re both the same, the Wall Street Bankster’s Party.

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  4. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  about 9 years ago

    The wealth pyramid (poor at the bottom, rich at the peak) is no longer a pyramid. It’s the bottom half of a hyperboloid. And that’s how the .001% like it.

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  5. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Cool! So now it’s a two man crusade! We are winning!

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    It’s called Capitalism kiddos.Google Supply and Demand.If there are people happy to work for 9 dollars an hour in a certain position then you either take it or make yourself qualified for a position that is in greater demand and thus pays more.Ok kids, class is over and make sure you do your homework!

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