Michael Ramirez for April 08, 2015

  1. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  about 9 years ago

    Reservoirs don’t do any good if there’s nothing flowing into them. At some point the people in an area (city, state, planet…) either realize that they’re outstripping their resources and do something about it, or suffer the consequenses of ignorance.

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    Wraithkin  about 9 years ago

    If they stopped pumping fresh water from aquifers into the ocean for some stupid fish, and instead gave it to farmers and the people who live there, we wouldn’t be facing this problem. But ecoterrorists seem to believe that these stupid fish are more important than human lives. Go figure.

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  3. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    Great comment.When several conservative comments use the exact same phrase to describe a situation, you know they are parroting some talking points fed to them.Only great minds think alike.

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  4. Download
    locoboilerguy  about 9 years ago

    Based on a 20 year ridership projection the construction cost alone for the high speed rail is almost $500 a rider if they come in on budget. That does not include what the subsidies will be after its built to run the system. I like public transportation but the cost must be a consideration. One would think solving the water problem is a more important issue as it doesn’t look like its going away anytime soon.

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    Wraithkin  about 9 years ago

    My point is not the fact that we are re-establishing the original water flow. My point is that CA produces food for THE WHOLE WORLD, and those stupid Delta Fish are not more important than THE WHOLE WORLD. I detest ecoterrorists that believe a tiny fish that is the animal kingdom equivalent of an appendix is more valuable than human life. I don’t encourage wholesale extinction, by any stretch of the imagination, but your mindset is putting that little fish ahead of people.

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    jqmcd  about 9 years ago

    The water is gone now. It takes decades to build new reservoirs…

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    Wraithkin  about 9 years ago

    Here is a good article that has a big concern for me: “Without access to groundwater, an industry responsible for roughly half the nation’s fruit, nuts and vegetables would founder, according to a recent study released by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences.”Some of these wells are going down to 2k feet in depth to try to suck up water that should be coming from the mountain instead of brakish water from underground. Water, I might add, that is in finite supply. All over a little fish.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    The refusal to plan wisely for water conservation, and refusal to acknowledge observed climate changes, is a pair fo twins over 50 years old in California. Even before then, the “wisdom” to steal all Owens Valley water and send it to L.A. was long, long, ago. Then came the Colorado River, Feather River, and now they want the Columbia, but hey who needs fish? Smelt are important in one system, but I guess deniers don’t ever eat salmon? And as for “accidents” that only change the environment; BP gulf spill may still prove very damaging to tuna populations in the Atlantic, but nobody eats tuna either, right?

    Ramirez et al ARE the empty reservoir folks, no knowledge of most any realities, and a refusal to accept facts when proven.

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  9. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  about 9 years ago

    Actually the truth is that Cali is pumping water into the bay in order to save fish! ^ “As a direct result of the overwrought concern that a few well-connected interest groups and their political allies have displayed for a fish — and of a federal Endangered Species Act that is in need of serious revision — hundreds of billions of gallons of water that would in other areas have been sent to parched farmland have been diverted away from the Central Valley and deliberately pushed out under the Golden Gate Bridge and into the Pacific Ocean, wasted forever, to the raucous applause of Luddites, misanthropes, and their powerful enablers.”“…the Great Smelt Freakout of 2007 began, there were 35,000 to well over 100,000 of the little buggers, depending on whom you ask. And yet the powers that be have seen fit to decree that no more than 305 of them may be killed in a given year. As an exasperated Harry Cline, of the Western Farm Press, put it in February 2012, last year “800,000 acre-feet of water went to waste based on the science of four buckets of minnows. That is enough water to produce crops on 200,000 acres or 10 million tons of tomatoes; 200 million boxes of lettuce; 20 million tons of grapes.”““That’s the tragedy of California, because of liberal environmentalists’ insistence — despite the fact that California has suffered from droughts for millennia, liberal environmentalists have prevented the building of a single new reservoir or a single new water conveyance system over decades…”“This is all about politics and policy, and it is liberal environmentalists who have brought us this tragedy.” ^^^You are so right! Why let logic, & facts dictate when it just makes you feel so much better to base all your decisions on feelings! So just keep parroting your misinformation, I’m sure it makes you feel all warm & fuzzy!

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    David Huie Green LosersBlameOthers&It'sYOURfault  almost 5 years ago

    “California’s problems with fires are caused by letting the rivers flow to the Pacific.” paraphrase of DJT recently.

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