John Deering for March 06, 2015

  1. Missing large
    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    FYI, the Saudis and Egypt and the UAE are strong supporters of Bibi and Israel in the search for security from Iran’s nuclear power that the US and its EU and Moslem friends seem to be working to hand Iran on a silver platter!-Obama chose his side before he took the oath of office in January 2009. It wasn’t to “save” Israel, and Israel’s God is watching and will punish every government that harms Israel=Bible, Genesis chapter 12.-China and Russia have a deal to provide Iran with the nuclear supplies and technology they still need. Both nations are flexing expansion muscles since reading the signs of Obama’s planned weaknesses in golfing rather than defending the USA.-Todays internet news reports Iran’s top cleric boasting “We enriched our uranium 20%”….and repeated the goal, to eliminate Jewish Israel from the earth.-I and all the Christians who love God and the Bible and the coming Kingdom, when Messiah Jesus returns to rule the earth for 1,000 years from the restored throne of David and the New Kingdom Temple in Jerusalem. At that time all the evil men will be “rewarded” for their Hate Crimes against God’s Anointed People.

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  2. Computerhead
    Spyderred  about 9 years ago

    He’s used the same fear tactics for years, always predicting that, after some safe period of time has expired, <used to be Saddam, now anyone in Iran> will nuke Israel. He’s gotten in return thousands of American lives and billions in tax money – and somehow Israel still isn’t safe. Perhaps it’s his leadership?

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    louieglutz  about 9 years ago

    try 20,000 centrifuges for starters, IAEA not allowed in certain installations, the list goes on…

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Does anyone REALLY think that those in Tehran are as stupid and crazy as the right or Bibi portray?? They are NOT a massive suicide bomber cabal who would destroy their entire population by nuking Israel, even if they ever DID have “the bomb”.

    It is the radical realm of “the rapture”, political and religious crowd, who keep this fear factor fraud before the public, in a country susceptible to stupidity.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Yes, Martens, I’m beginning to think that Bibi, like his Christian fundamentalist supporters, may want to see “the Rapture” right up until the time HE goes to Hell because he won’t convert to Christianity, or would he? Hip hip Hypocrisy.

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    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    to reply to Martens, Only the blind and deaf have not heard the repetitions fromboth Shia (Iran) and Sunni (S.Arabia) religious leaders, that the Koran teaches that the only certain way to Paradise is by deliberately being a Martyr by killing yourself plus as many others as possible. Leaders have said “if millions of Muslims die (nuclear war) then millions of us will enter Paradise.”-Fundamental Islam is not a “rational” religion! It teaches Muslims born into a trapped religion to hate Jews and Christians and to murder to gain Paradise.-The Bible is the truth from the only true God, and it does not teach any Paradise and it certainly does not teach Murder to save yourself. The only Salvation is through God the Son, Jesus the Christ, and it is FREE, a gift from God by His Grace, by Faith in Jesus’ dying to pay for our sins. Jesus had no sins because Jesus is God the Son in human form, forever. Jesus will judge all false, lying religions that teach mankind to murder and lie. Jesus is an eternal Jew, in the line of King David of Judah, and is nothing like the false “Jesus” taught by Islam. The Bible is truth that Satan and evil men cannot change.

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