Steve Benson for February 26, 2015

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @Harleyquinn – There is a silver lining to this predictable response from Obama who is only pandering to the left wing eco-dullards. This now saddles Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Democratic lawmakers with the decision as well. Hillary will be forced to embrace this decision and declare herselves pro-environment at the expense of jobs for middle class Americans. Or she will have to repudiate it and further isolate Obama from his party. Either way it will make it harder for her to campaign and it will make it easier for Obama to become irrelevant – I can already hear the Quacking :)

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  2. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    “But Lamestream will keep it buried.”.I disagree, There are enough lame commenters to repeat the right wing lies to keep them front and center.

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  3. Mroh
    Back_phil  about 9 years ago

    Railroad tankers are safer than pipe lines (sarcasm) just ask the people in N. Dakota, Lynchburg WV, Quebec and else where.

    Besides, Buffett could be missing out on billions on transportation costs that he could donate to Obama, Clinton, etc.

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  4. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 9 years ago

    The pipeline was little or no benefit to the American public. For 1 or 2 years there would be a bunch of construction jobs. Then they would go away. The oil would not make our fuel any cheaper. It was always a boondoggle to make a few people extremely rich.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Short term jobs, long term pollution, and impacts to private landowners who see their lands stolen by a FOREIGN CORPORATION under eminent domain for PRIVATE not public purposes. Everything regarding support for this line is a fraud, so the ’toon has it right.

    There are for example numerous refineries short of Texas that could be modified to handle the filthy product, but they don’t want to touch it there, and it wouldn’t fit the plan to EXPORT ALL THE PRODUCT!

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  6. Missing large
    luvdafuneez  about 9 years ago

    We “need this pipeline” like we need you.

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  7. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 9 years ago

    “Problem is we need the pipeline 2 years ago. Not 2 years from now.”Because gas prices have skyrocketed? I have yet to hear anyone who isn’t beholden to the oil industry insist that we need to rush Keystone. Does the oil have an expiration date??

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Spring is here!! In the last three weeks our gas price has now gone up 60 cents a gallon, big oil has early plans for travel at Spring Break, new yachts for everyone on their boards!

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