Views of the World by Cartoon Movement-US for January 29, 2015

  1. Santabutcherpin
    ishannon5289  over 9 years ago

    It does seem to be that common view that stuff like that just happens all the time in Africa and the Middle East. Therefor it is not worth paying attention to. Sad really.

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    veronique auzon engel  over 9 years ago

    I believe that there is a big difference between Africa and the Middle East, in as much as we finance Israeli settlements and mass murder of the Palestinians, sit by and let it happen.In Africa, no finance for Boko the Clown, we just sit by and let it happen.

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    canFunny  over 9 years ago

    Hey Paris Girl, you forgot the financing of the Hammas (palestinian) by Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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    veronique auzon engel  over 9 years ago

    I fail to understand the ‘logic’ behind “all of a sudden.”There is nothing ‘all of a sudden’ with me. I have lived and worked on three continents and have encultured myself outside the American bubble some people appear to evolve within.The views I express are based not on what I’ve read but where I’ve been and experienced first-hand.Call me a leftie if it flatters your ego, but listen to this: I totally agree with the bombing of Da ’ish (ISIL or ISIS, if you prefer) in Syria and Iraq to get rid of those scumbags and would favor further bombings on those monsters in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen…..and doing it with heavily armored drones to preserve our men and women of the military.

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  5. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The US needs to get involved in HUMANITARIAN ways. Imagine if the Peace Corp efforts had been given even one-hundreth of the money the military has received. -How much was spent on training bin Laden?How much was spent to support Saddam?-YOU were the one promoting war yesterday. Removing Saddam created a LOT of the unrest in the ME today. -The US has been meddling in other countries for the sake of BUSINESS interests for the most part. they should try focusing on the needs of the people in the area instead.

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  6. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 9 years ago

    “our government too gun-shy”that is absurd.

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    @Paris Girl said " we finance Israeli settlements and mass murder of the Palestinians, sit by and let it happen."-I say that is posted in extreme hate of the only truly democratic nation in the Mideast, Israel. If the poster is a “Christian” it must be the anti-Bible “replacement theory theology”, that The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is through forever with His own theocratic nation, Israel.-Those anti-Israel persons ignore the facts that the God of the Bible is the Leader of Zionism, the eternal without conditions Covenant of the Promised Land from the Nile to the Euphrates belongs to the blood heirs of Isaac, not Ishmael.-Secular history shows that the Jews returning from Russia and Europe and the world (as God is regathering them in preparation of the Return of Messiah Jesus to begin the millennial reign of the world from Jerusalem and the restored throne of King David)…..all these Jews met war acts by the Arabs who rejected their own State to be recognized by the UN in 1947-1948.-Arab armies united to “push the Jews off into the Sea”….but failed. Each war since then was because of the Arab hatred of Jews and the locals have kept up guerilla attacks and missile attacks and propaganda attacks and use most of the aid given to the “Palestinians” (a false identity) to resupply and war against Jewish citizens of all ages including children on school buses.-Even Arab surveys find many Arabs living in the Jewish sections prefer Israeli laws over what exists in Gaza and the “West Bank” (another false identity).-Get the facts straight, and give the Jews credit for showing the Mideast how to take a desert and make it a blooming success of civilization! The world benefits from Israel’s contributions to progress in medicine and healthcare and charity for those even in Africa facing diseases and persecution by the Moslems who continue to enslave select young people and mass murder the older in the population.-Compare Jewish laws with Sharia Law abuses of women and girls, and the absence of “rights” for all humans!

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  8. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 9 years ago

    I am very glad you are neither my pest control agent or in the state dept.Knowing the people, customs, history, etc gives you knowledge of the society.The oligarchy has subtly been using technics using this information for years.

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