Clay Jones for January 17, 2015

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    “We have the RIGHT to refuse service to ANYBODY!”Who cares?

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    cripplious  over 9 years ago

    Until you’re sued or boycotted out of business. Boycotting/picketing is a customers right

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    Instead of me yet again ranting about using Nazi imagery for anything other than actual Nazis, I’ll give a brief history lesson.Toward the end of WWII, US troops were liberating the concentration camps and witnessed Mankind’s nature at its absolute, absolute worst. As they liberated the camps and provided care and treatment for the prisoners, they saw the inverted triangle badges the prisoners wore and learned what they meant. Jews, of course, wore a badge consisting of two yellow triangles forming a star. Political prisoners wore a red inverted triangle while PoWs wore red uninverted triangles. The homeless, addicts, and the mentally ill wore black triangles. Gay men wore pink triangles. When US led forces liberating camps learned what the pink triangles meant, they often put those men back into the camps. The then newly formed West Germany then put those gays into actual prisons. This is because when the Allied forces created West Germany and it’s government, they decided to leave in place the Nazi laws against homosexuality.So instead of ranting about using Clay’s use Nazi imagery, I leave you with the thought that American soldiers who fought for freedom in WWII saw the devastation and utter depravity inflicted on their fellow man and decided that gay people deserved it. This is why gay culture for so long had adopted the pink triangle and the Greek letter Lambda as symbols of gay pride and why pathetic little attempts at legalized discrimination will ultimately fail. Gays have endured the worst humanity has to offer and survived. We will survive the likes of Bob Martial and the pseudo-Christians as well.

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    If the governments wish to perform same-sex unions that guarantee equal civil rights to same-sex couples, that is fine to this particular Christian!

    As long as the governments also maintain the seperation of the church and the state by not compelling ANY religious orgasnization (Christian or not) to either perform of sanction such unions as “marriages”!

    I am more than happy to allow gay people to live their lives in any manner that they see fit, as long as they do the same for myself and other Christians, fundamentalists or not!

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  5. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “They are real Christians”No, I have to disagree. People who try to follow the actual teachings of Christ are Christians. Christ taught his followers to live with dignity and to treat others with dignity and respect. He taught it’s better to teach people the skills to lift themselves out of destitution instead of just throwing them a hand out.People who throw around Bible passages to pass judgement on others are not following the teachings of Christ. They are not, by my definition, Christians.

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  6. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 9 years ago

    As I have said before; it is human nature to hate the sinner, even when we are told not to. Can one honestly say that they do not hate murderers or rapists. If in any way it is implied that being gay is wrong or a sin, that is evoking hate on that group. The pope says that Christians should not judge gays, but he still implies that being gay is wrong.

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  7. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago
    “You are playing the “One True Scotsman Fallacy” and it will not work. For one thing there are so many flavors of Christianity you really can’t make that statement with a straight face, can you?”Yes, I can. I am a literalist at heart. I gave my literal definition of a Christian. If you’re not following the teachings of a religion’s namesake, you’re not really following his religion. This is why you see me often using the term pseudo-Christian or use quotation marks.
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