Lisa Benson for January 15, 2015

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    timgilley  over 9 years ago

    Obama said you would have to work for the free education. That’s what I did. I worked then took the money and paid for school. Again we take money from the producing taxpayer and give it to someone else. Hey Cross let’s cut out the middleman and you can just send me $100 instead of the government through the IRS and various agencies.

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    Odon Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Education does have its rewards, prisons not so much. Both cost $$.

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    Dave Ferro  over 9 years ago

    Great toon, Lisa! Yes, it is exactly like that. Some never learn, though…

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    canFunny  over 9 years ago

    Argentina has free university and collage education. Now a degree that would generally takes four years to complete, in Argentina takes ten years. Unfortunately no one will hire such graduate because their credential are worth the “size of pea.” Cuba also has free university education; their doctors are forced to seek work in other socialist countries. these countries pay the Cuban government, which after taking a huge slice for them (when I say huge I mean massive) then they give the rest to the doctors, who actually live in misery, with no hope of getting out of the chains. All these pseudo-socialists/communists (Dems) should go and live in those countries for a while and get a dose of reality.

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    Kip W  over 9 years ago

    I clicked “refresh comments,” but the stale GOP talking points are still there.

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    derdave969  over 9 years ago

    “President Obama” did not create Pell grants. The basis for them was set by the Higher Education Act in 1965. That act was amended in 1972 to actually create what we know as the Pell grant (I believe that great Liberal Richard Nixon was president at the time). I worked at a community college for over 15 years (teaching and working in a remedial math lab). Many (not all but many) students on financial aid used it as welfare. They would enroll in enough courses to be full time (and maintain eligibility) and then fail the courses. I had students who would come to one or two classes (out of 30 or 45 in a 15 week) semester and drop the course just before the final grade was turned in. That ploy kept the F off their GPA so they could, you guessed it, apply for, and receive, aid the next semester. As I said before, not all students did that. Enough did to really sour me on the entire process. It strikes me as the “give a man a fish . . .” story in real life.

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    Harry  over 9 years ago

    Never mind you wouldn’t understand,

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    Harry  over 9 years ago

    Three out of four isn’t to bad,

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    Mike Herman  over 9 years ago

    The dumber people become, the easier it is to foist Socialism on them.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    Well, part of the problem regarding the R&D portion of the military is the appropriations process. It’s broken, and all government programs operate like this. The Abrams tank is a marvelous piece of equipment, and ask anyone who survived because of the tech and they will tell you that money was well spent. Could we have completed it with lower cost? Possibly. The same could be said about the PPACA website. That thing was a joke, especially given the cost and the problems. In general, government spends more than it has to because of waste an inefficiency. I think that’s a universal truth.I don’t disagree there is a difference between what is owed and what is taken. However, that’s what I am getting at with regards to shearing the middle class. The rich can avoid taxation, the middle class can’t. Eventually, they will come to us asking for the tax dollars to float the bottom 47%. I’m not indicating that 47%, I’m simply stating that as fact. To fund programs that are paid for with tax dollars, the taxes have to come from somewhere. That also is a fact. You can tax the top 1% at 100% (which would be stupid, but whatever), but that doesn’t mean they will pay it. And I caught you in a Freudian slip. In one sentence you say, “he Preamble to Our Constitution says it best, it is the responsibility of Government to create Tranquility with Justice, Provide for the Common Good” but the Preamble (and you correct yourself later) states to “Promote the general Welfare.” That is a fine but clear distinction. To promote something does not mean to provide. Synonyms to provide are to supply, to furnish, bestow, and impart. Whereas promote’s synonyms are to advocate, to further, and encourage. Provide means to give. Promote means to help. We do not owe anything other than to promote the general welfare. To provide is a socialist approach to our Preamble. What ultimately needs to happen is the tax code needs to be gutted and started over. Flat tax rates with no exceptions. No means of hiding income. No corporate welfare. We lower the tax burden, but apply it to everyone with no exceptions (much like Social Security), and you will likely see a more even treatment. No more crony capitalism, no more special boondoggles or favors, and no more buying legislation. The second thing is the states need to be given block grants and let them figure it out for themselves. The federal government is responsible for very specific things, and they have their hands in WAY too many cookie jars. The states would be more responsive and would be held more accountable to their local populaces instead of the Ol’ boys club over in Washington. The very existence of the current infrastructure of our government is an affront to the founding fathers’ vision. I don’t think Republicans have all the answers, and I sure as hell don’t think the Democrats do either. Both have self-serving interests and their goal is to get re-elected, not perform the People’s work. The reason I find Republicans less repugnant is because they aren’t trying to take money from everyone and give it to others who haven’t earned it. That’s a big issue for me.The government should set the stage on which people can succeed (promote), not give benefits to provide them with that success (provide). And right now, it’s broken.

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    DrDon1  over 9 years ago

    @Sizeof aPeaThanks for the news citations of Cruz & Inhofe!

    Many of the above anti-liberal commentators seem to readily accept and welcome Corporate Welfare but are very opposed to any form of welfare for ordinary people.

    As far as Benson is concerned…She continues to fight for the OverDog and the Uptrodden!

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    Pauleytee  over 9 years ago

    It was sold on lies, and they are lying about its supposed success.

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    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    Can you possibly EVEER type a comment without calling those that disagree with you names?? Just shows not only your lack of intelligence and your complete lack of ability to defend & debate your position without making it personal.

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    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    What fairyland do you get your numbers from?? LOL!! Thanks for another ludicrous post, always funny to read!

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  15. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    Yes because all the other great welfare programs have worked to well! Yes keep giving people everything they want for free, that’s a great incentive to work hard & make something of yourself. Something those on the left that think they are economists don’t understand.

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  16. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  over 9 years ago

    And MSNBC or some other liberal blogger says “BAAAAA” & all you lefties keep repeating it & repeating it over & over. Even if it has nothing to do with the comic or the topic being discussed.

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    Mr. Ed  over 9 years ago

    tsk, tsk, tsk!!! You can spell a kindergarten word, “sheeple” yet you can’t even spell college correctly.

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  18. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  over 9 years ago

    Careful, you’re perilously close to Crossies’ sheeple trademark.

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  19. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Lisa, do you and Michael Ramirez have lunch together?

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  20. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    That shorn goat wears a “KOCH” brand under that coat.

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