Michael Ramirez for December 10, 2014

  1. Mandrake
    LOLisgood4U  over 9 years ago

    Me thinks that she doth protest too much.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    The issue here is not Benghazi vs. this report. The issue is that she (Feinstein) supported the process, and was briefed dozens of times, and gave consent to the methods employed to obtain the info we did. For her to come back now and cry fowl is hypocritical at best, and reckless at worst. What’s next? The operators who are performing tasks as instructed by Congress and the POTUS are to be protected because they are doing as they are instructed to do. You don’t sue individual employees because of a company’s actions, so by that same logic the CIA operators should be protected from this political stunt.All that she’s doing by pushing for and publishing the cherry-picked information is trying to cover her rear-end and provide a legacy for her so when she is forcibly given the boot she can say, “I accomplished this!” The problem is that she created the situation to begin with.

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    Observer fo Irony  over 9 years ago

    The interrogators would just say they were only having a little fun.

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 9 years ago

    How does anyone know which people in Congress knew what? Remember that the “justification” to go to war was littered with falsehoods and cherry-picked information. Many people in Congress were mainly guilty of trusting those they had no business trusting.

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    lonecat  over 9 years ago

    Ramirez is an apologist for evil.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    I have to laugh at you guys. You are gobbling up everything this report is throwing out there without even challenging the credibility of it. You say that of course top-ranking CIA officials have a motive to lie, but you never question what motives Feinstein has in releasing this report or even going on the witch-hunt in the first place.You are just as shrill as the conservatives you are accusing of being partisan and generating their own custom-tailored reports. Jesus guys, research your own stuff instead of reading a summary from the hyper-partisan liberal NY Times (which I personally have caught lying on more than one occasion). Here is an interview from Hayden, who is named more than Panetta, but only was involved at the tail-end of the enhanced interrogations (BTW, sleep deprivation and stress positions are not torture). Here is another person who is intimately familiar with the processes and situation who was never even talked to about this report. These are just two pieces of information that you guys are either intentionally or subconsciously ignoring. And what about the recklessness of it? Why now? Because it was politically expedient. The democrats got thumped in the election, so they are trying to burn down the capitol on their way out of office, to set the tone and demonize Republicans. They’re trying to get their last punches in. Not only that, but why release this to the public before having it vetted? All this document accomplishes is to give terrorists recruiting ammunition, and to embolden our enemies in the middle east and elsewhere. While I’m a big fan of transparency, there is one fundamental truth that most Americans are unwilling to accept. It stems from an old quote: “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” The American public is not ready to accept or comprehend what our military and intelligence community do on their behalf to ensure the public’s safety. Until you guys have had to make the decision to pull the trigger to end the life of another person, you can’t possibly second-guess the decision to pull that trigger. This report, and the vast majority of Americans, are Monday-morning quarterbacking the CIA because it’s a sensational headline. Let’s look back to 9/12/01, and how angry and hurt we were. There was no limit to what we were willing to do to avenge those who were murdered by Al Qaeda and their operatives. The CIA was blamed for not catching it sooner. The President was accused of knowing and not doing anything about it. So they step up their game to help prevent another attack, anything and everything, and now they are being hung out to dry because of it. You want your cake and eat it, too. “Protect me!” You scream. But you don’t want to know the icky details of how that protection is rendered, and when it’s pushed into the light, you cry fowl. The lot of you who are condemning the CIA are nothing but partisan hypocrites.

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  7. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member over 9 years ago

    we all are deceived all the time – whether by a political party or by our own arrogance and ignorance. if anyone commenting here has ALL the facts and ALL the insight into what actually happened and what actually took place – than you are a super person able to be everywhere at once with video camera to record ALL thoughts, ALL intentions, ALL actions perfectly without ‘shades’ of imperfection. it is too bad that the bane of humans is to point fingers and blame everyone else but ourselves for our shortcomings. it is too bad that the bane of humans is to try to prove that they are ‘not wrong’ or ‘to blame’ for decisions made or events that happened.if you check history – no matter whose point of view it is written from – it has always been thus. ‘not my fault’ ‘not my concern’ ‘i didn’t do anything’ ‘it is _________ fault’. i wish the human race could grow up enough to admit their short comings and work together to solve them – but then, since we are all innocent, arrogant, and self deluded and can find someone else to point a finger at so that we think we don’t look ‘so bad’ or aren’t ‘so bad’ as that person – i guess i wish for the impossible.

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    TLH1310 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    BUT… This report starts from 2001, when the Torture and Renditions started in 1995 when Clinton was President.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Just read James Risen’s books relative to Bush, war, and CIA et al. (He isn’t the soul source for almost any of the information he passed on.)

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