Lisa Benson for December 06, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    When I went through the system, it was the pre tax dodger state, and tuition was very reasonable. It was the righties that said they’d rather their taxes go for death, than degrees.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Right now you have a better chance getting into a UC if you live in another state or country due to the higher tuition rates.Nevermind that the Ca(same goes for other states) parents have paid decades worth of taxes into that University through taxes.Oh and Cali is the highest taxed state in the country already and yet their Democrat leaders want even higher taxes.

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    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Remember to thank George Deukmejian.

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    There was a recent thread on the best colleges in the country for obtaining a good return on the investment money paid by a student (through loans or any other means) in the USA. Of the six higher educational institutions three of them were right here in California!! In this particular case they were all private institutions (as were the other three). They were Harvey Mudd College, Stanford University , and CalTech !!

    However, just as good a bet would be to go from one of California’s many truly excellent Jr. Colleges on to either the state collge system, or even better, to go on to one of the many very highly rated campuses of the University of California. For many years now, the University of California has been one of the highest rated state supported universities in the entire nation, and indeed compares very favorably with most of the great institutes of learning throughout the entire planet. And the tuition has been in the past, is now, and will always be relatively low for California residents. In fact, for the first two years of a good college education the tuition for a junior college in California has been set at $52 per unit for California residents. I can not imaging that such a rate is much lower for the same two years at any such college in the rest of the nation.

    Those of us that actually live in California generally at least like it here, and many of us even love it here. We do not disrespect other states, so we (at least myself) do get tired of this woman continually disrespecting our own state. If it was really so very bad here then I do not understand why we have so many people that not only visit here, but also come here to live.

    It is also untrue that California is losing most of its buisiness. In fact, California has one of the greatest and most educated empolyee work forces in the nation, which is an absolute must for good high paying jobs in the growing tech industries. And at the same timethe state has one of the most incredibly entrepreneurial areas in the country in Silicon Valley.

    Plus, California is the ONLY state in the USA with an economy with a state economy income greater than $2 trillion, and that is some $500 billion greater than the next largest economy is. Which places California with an economy that is in the top ten in the World, not just the US!

    What I find even more puzzling (if it is even true) is that someone on this site recently stated that Lisa Benson is a California resident hereself. If this is true, then why does she hate it here so much?

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    locoboilerguy  over 9 years ago

    Went to UCLA when it was $60 a quarter and about another $60 for parking and books. Yes I am that old. Lived in California until I was 31 and moved to Colorado and am now 67. Colorado just does not have the opportunity that California has no matter how you figure it. I liked the mountains of California better along with the coasts. I still miss the place and visit family. But the simple fact is I would not live there if you gave me a house. It is still arguably the most beautiful and diverse state in the country.

    The cost of education is just insane everywhere. Like our country it is bankrupt. The grand American solution of throwing more money at a problem to fix it has just not worked out well.

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    lonecat  over 9 years ago

    If the money for tuition doesn’t come from the students, where does it come from? Not from taxes, surely!!

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Conserve: you need a little research on California Measure 13 that basically cancelled property taxes keeping up with costs, and the Reagan governorship (worst ever) in Claifornia that cut funding to education revenues.

    BTW: in all but nine states, the highest paid public employees are college athletic coaches, mostly football and basketball. They’re paid far more than the Governor, and also way more than tenured professors, or even Chancellors.

    Wich also, when I was in the CA university system, our physics and chemistry lab budgets were taken away to buy new uniforms for the football team. That was a long time ago, and things are only worse today.

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “child care is more on average than college”You need to expand on your supposition. It’s far too vague. If you’re referring to child day care, it’s expensive, but it doesn’t cost more per year than most colleges. If you’re referring to the cost to raise a child to 18, that’s a given but the costs are spread out over 18 years whereas the cost of college is only spread out over 4 to 8 years. Either way, you’re still comparing apples and oranges.

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    My point is relatively simple. No other state receives as much disrespect as does California (no, not even Texas). And while some criticism is indeed warrented, certainly a great deal of it is just plain old envy. ALL states in the USA have both good and bad points. Here are a few of the good points for California to help to at least somewhat balance out the bad points always brought up by the ultra conservatives such as Lisa Benson…..

    (1) An ironic point is that there are a whole lot of those very same ultra conservatives that live right here in California (as Lisa herself seems to be). For instance, One of the wealthiest and most conservative of all congressmen in Darrel Issa has his political base right here in good old liberal California. How is that for a fact? Plus, the agribusiness dominated area of the Central Valley is known for its relative conservatism. This is somewhat ironic as this is also the destination for many migrant latino workers ( a large percentage of which are illegals), do you ultra conservatives actually think that these people get out the vote?

    (2) And what many also do not seem to realize is that California is by far the largest agricultural state in the US. And that is even with the largest population of which most works in the cities. In fact, the amount of this agribusiness economically is close to the sum of the value of the agribusiness of the next three states in value put together! So the next time that you anti California types wish us to leave the US, think of having your food bill increase by at least 10%!

    (3) There are two major areas of future manufacturing that are going to be drivers of hugh levels of economic activity in the future. Oneis the increase in green technologies that are being generated up in the Silicon Valley by those enterprenairs that already dominate the computer industry. Look at Sony, building its largest manufacturing and engineering factility up in that valley in the form as a green oriented saucer styled building. They will be both hiring locally (after all Stanford University is located just down the road) and moving more then 10,000 good jobs to that very facility.

    (4) Finally, to this retired aerospace worker it is evident that the space area of aerospace is going to be coming back to Southern California, and in fact has already started to come back up at the Mojave enterprenarial space manufacturing park. Take alook at what Paul Allen is doing ot build the largest aircraft ever in concert with Burt Rutan and his Scaled Composites out there. It is called Stratolaunch, look it up, it is indeed very interesting in both execution and concept. But it is just one of many such efforts taking place out at Mojave.

    So no people, California is not just going to disappear from the radar for buisnesses. Just another fact is simply that three of the four largest ports of entry in the USA for goods from the very rapidly growing Pacific region of the manufacturing world are located in California. San Fransisco, San Pedro, and Long Beach, and if California was ever to listen to its own tea party types of nukcakes, then those ports along with the eigth largest economy in the world would just also leave the USA. But not to worry, there are still enough of we someehat liberal tree hugging environmentalists to stop such an insanity for the rest of all of you that hate us so very much!!

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    AARP just did a bit on folks over 65 with college debts going back over 20 years, and loans granting 25-30 years to pay off. What must be the interest rate, and penalties on those loans, with Reagan admin altered “lending terms” and regulations (deregulation actually) of “banking” and finance companies? Reagan made Steven Spielberg’s shark seem tame and kindly by comparison to the loan sharks he freed from any regulatory “cages”.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    dtroutma said, about 12 hours ago“Conserve: you need a little research on California Measure 13 that basically cancelled property taxes keeping up with costs, and the Reagan governorship (worst ever) in Claifornia that cut funding to education revenues”——————————————————I have family in California and they THANK GOD Prop 13 is in effect. We here on the East Coast see our property tax bill go up and up every year.My grandma years ago had to sell the house that she and my grandpa spent 30 years paying off with hard work because instead of being rewarded with a paid off house, their monthly tax bill went to about 2k a month! Try doing that on Social Security. They both cried when they lost their house because of increased property taxes.Guess which party runs their state?

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  12. System
    TheFinalSolution  over 9 years ago

    Taxation. Why is it not theft to force someone to pay you just because you call yourself government? Extortion is a crime, no matter who commits it, and there is no moral justification. Save all the inane comments about goods and services. Government is FORCE, period!

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    ^^^ Lol. Like Somalia is the only alternative.How about Qatar or the UAE?2 great countries with some of the lowest tax rates in the world.

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