Lisa Benson for October 07, 2014

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    timgilley  over 9 years ago

    Lowest employment participation rate since before Carter. Yep, economy is booming.

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    Gypsy8  over 9 years ago

    Could also look at the state of the economy at the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, where the economy under the Republican administration and policies was threatening to go over the cliff creating world depression. Then Obama and the Democrats took over and established a more sane domestic and foreign policy.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    Labor Participation rate since 1978. He’s done a stellar job employing the employable. Kind of skews your unemployment numbers, though.

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    Tim Culberson  over 9 years ago

    it is so funny that eveyrone thinks a post on a comic strip is a way to defend President Obama. I see the same names bashing Lisa time and time again, are you paid to do that by the Democratic Party? Could it be that she is 100% accurate. Everyone hates the truth.

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    Tim Culberson  over 9 years ago

    Plus you have to love her art. I always end my strips with her, it is the highlight of the day reading comics.

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    What you ignore is the workers participation rate which is the lowest in several decades. Also the number of families using food stamps, unemployment, and social welfare to get by.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Hopey Changey tricks for all the morons out there.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    So you consider a massive expansion of entitlement spending, a tyrannical takeover of 1/3 of our economy, working-age men and women no longer working or looking for work, and an explosion on the food stamp roles “good work?” You are out of your mind. I’m not saying Bush is perfect, but dang. Calling Obama’s policies “good work,” is like saying, “The sky is pumice.” No more untrue statement has ever been uttered.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    ReFlex-76 said, about 2 hours ago@ConserveGov- “That’s nice, unemployment’s down to 5.9%”.—————————————————-Man, if we can get that last pesky 5.9% to quit looking for work and go on Welfare, UNEMPLOYMENT WILL BE 0%!YAY!!!

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    The right-wing con job makes me think of Ted Haggard saving all those little boys for Jesus.

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    the big problem is that the number published each month is not the true % of workers without a job.-That is malpractice and comes from “cooking the books”….-The truth is that the jobless rate of the entire civilian work force is over 12% but that would be a disaster for re-election of candidates, so federal number-riggers are given control of what is reported to the voters. Some minorities are in even worse situations, I think I saw a conservative report that Blacks are suffering from 18% unemployment….but they continue to vote the Dems that fail them administration after administration! Dumb and Dumber. It ought to be a felony to publish such falsified numbers of how many workers cannot find jobs, IMO.

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    cuthwald  over 9 years ago

    the current admin as change the numbers of what is considered full employment 4 times and you say they haven’t change the way they calculate unemployment is sorta true but is false because they changed the baseline

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    You know, I love being lumped into the group that watches Fox news as their primary source of information… mostly because I haven’t watched Fox news in … ohh… 6 months? 7? I’m using the BLS data, which you would know if you bothered to follow my link. You also need to learn how to read a chart and the source of the data. The rate of labor participation is based on those who are of working age but who are not working. This does not include retired seniors.If you bothered looking at the chart, it was down in the late 70’s, rose and stayed high until around 2008. And it hasn’t trended upward since. My graph shows the “true” unemployment, or rather, the number of people who are actually working compared to the pool of people who should be working. I never brought up SS. Don’t include it in your argument to deflect the real issue: the country isn’t working because people don’t have to work. Don’t feed the bears, indeed!And if you’re done making ad hominem attacks at Bush, maybe you can hit up the BLS website and show me where Bush’s entitlement spending, food stamp program, and unemployment status are worse than Obama’s. But of course, you can’t, so you rely on, “But Bush.” You only discredit yourself when you speak without factual support.

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