Lalo Alcaraz for September 24, 2014

  1. Missing large
    siresr  over 9 years ago

    Right On. But why stop at football? Are players the only one who subscribe to violence as a way of being the Alpha? Anyone for Sharia law? That would make this type of conduct perfectly acceptable and reduce women to chattel. But lets not forget there are women out there who are not above using the same tactics when others disagree with them.

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    chazandru  over 9 years ago

    Domestic violence has been brought to the national attention by TMZ and other news agencies seeking to get on this news ‘bandwagon’. High profile stars are FINALLY being punished for behaviors too long ignored in their profession, and in our society. My concern is we are over punishing a few high profile cases while a multitude of "average citizens’ of both sexes abuse their spouses and their children. Mr. Rice’s wife married him, they are both going to counseling and are facing public shaming and other financial losses. How this will help their marriage and help him learn to control his actions is hard to imagine. No league or even occupation has punished their employees the way Mr. Rice and Mr.Peterson are being punished. Yes, they deserve to be punished, and perhaps even jailed for a period of time… but losing the dream they worked so hard to attain since their youth, through college and earned on the field can only make them angrier, bitter, and more dangerous… to themselves if not to others. People need a chance for redemption, or, once a mistake is made, there is no reason for them to not escalate the situation.I have daughters. If their husbands hit them, not even knocking them out, if they just struck them in anger, I would want them arrested for assault, but if my daughters were adamant about staying with them, I would not want them BOTH to be punished by their losing their jobs and being ostracized by society.The punishment needs to fit the crime, but it should not punish the victims as well as the perpetrator. And if high profile individuals are going to be thus treated, ALL who abuse, no matter their sex, need to be likewise punished.My own mother made me cut five switches from the tree in the backyard, made me take down my jeans, and spanked me til my legs bled. I was 12. That was abuse. She should have been arrested and even jailed for 30 days, but in the 60s, that was proper parenting. I would not have wanted her jailed for months of years, nor would I have benefited from her losing her job over it. Between the age of five and 14, I was beat with switches and belts and I deserved to be punished, just not like that. And it did not make me change my behaviors, it just made me work harder to not get caught misbehaving.I’m better now, and I did better with my children. No one is a total waste… you can always be a bad example.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    What do you base this claim on? If it’s true, it’s a very interesting fact and worth studying further. (And, for folks who like to blame African American culture for all sorts of dysfunctions, it’s a refutation, seeing as a majority of NFL players are black.) But are you simply basing this on comparing the number of high-profile NFL-related reports to larger statistics?

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Hmm, remember a few years ago when it was professional wrestlers, a few of them, that were the target of this same “problem”, and is was related to steroid use then, too?

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