John Deering for March 15, 2010

  1. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 14 years ago

    What the right wingers want to do with our economy.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Both parties owe more allegiance to “big oil” than the “big public”- and the reality is, we’re going to run out. Texas is both the home to “big oil” and the biggest “Bozo” to ever inhabit the White House- so ANdy might choose a new epithet.

    Bonehead and McCon-all go out of their way to pour gasoline on the fire of destruction. Too bad all the foaming at the mouth they do can’t be used to extinguish that flaming stupidity they spew.

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  3. Mexico border
    TruthfulTheocracy  about 14 years ago

    Come on baby light my fire.

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  4. Missing large
    bueller  about 14 years ago

    ANandy, since I regard most of the people who were fortunate enough to occupy the White House over the last decade or so as cardboard-cutout caricatures of what actual leaders should be, then no, our current President”s fortunes did not figure into the sentiment behind the cartoon.

    To clarify, I would simply point to the first part of dtroutma’s posting, with which I agree.


    When I read the latest updates about the economy, my first thought isn’t ” Gosh, how will this affect Obama?”

    To do so would probably mean I was a Beltway insider ( or, totally divorced from reality, but I repeat myself). I belabor all this because I think ANandy’s comment highlights a problem, if unintentionally, that has been the norm in Washington for some time-seeing everything through the prism of politics. All of our so-called leaders do it, which is why so little gets done.

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