Brian McFadden for August 25, 2014

  1. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “Cyber Bullying?”Cyber bullies use social media to bully their victims—spreading rumors, posting embarrassing pictures of you online, et cetera. It doesn’t happen in real time and you don’t even have to even have an internet connection to be a victim of cyber bullying.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    “Income inequality? So tired of hearing about it.”-“Turn the computer off.”-Good solution.

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 9 years ago

    You have certainly proved you can say what you want, regardless of facts, let alone empathy.1. Abstinence EDUCATION does not work.2. IUDs are not cheap. Some women need birth control pills or devices for MEDICAL reasons having nothing to do with pregnancy. But even if that’s the only reason, why should only women incur costs for something men are involved with (and note that some states have tried to charge women for RAPE KITS).3. Income inequality. Gee, I’m SO sorry that you are “tired of hearing about it.” Reality check: our government and processes are biased towards those who have money now. The whole point of income inequality is that your claim that “you can make money too” is NOT true — it is far harder. As for the claim that most are first generation wealthy: “A 2011 study by Edward Wolff and Maury Gittleman found that the wealthiest 1 percent of families had inherited an average of $2.7 million from their parents. This was 447 times more money than the least wealthy group of people — those with wealth less than $25K — had inherited. In between the wealthiest and least wealthy groups, inheritance levels ran in exactly the direction you would expect: the wealthier a group of people was, the more they had inherited.” (, the claim that most of the rich made it themselves comes from Forbes…and it is not correct.

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