Scott Stantis for March 03, 2010

  1. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    Yes inddee do, we need our 50 calibar sniper rifes, machine guns, grenade launchers, and teflon bullets in case someone trys to break into our house, or the terrorist come running through our streets, or (most of all) the Socalist Govenment tries to take over.

    That’s what the 2nd Amendment was all about – guns for everyone and forever.

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  2. Buddy
    lalas  about 14 years ago

    This guy: is NOT to be equated with the guy above.

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    Magnaut  about 14 years ago


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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    What would the count in Mexico have been if they weren’t selling their drugs in the U.S.?

    Guns don’t kill people. People WITH easy access to guns kill people.

    Not anti-gun ownership, just feel that both my car, and my guns should require licensing and basic proof of competence with them.

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    nospam4me  about 14 years ago

    The Second Amendment - without it, all other amendments are mere “suggestions”. What is it the libs like to say about abortions, “if you don’t like them, don’t have one, but don’t tell me what to do for myself”? Tell them to apply that logic to gun ownership.

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  6. Submissions 039
    davesmithsit  about 14 years ago

    Who is to say who is compitent the GOVERNMENT? They are half the reason we have the second amendment.

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  7. Bluejay
    Bluejayz  about 14 years ago

    Nospam, you seem to revere the 2nd Amendment. What part of “well regulated” do you not understand?

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  8. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 14 years ago

    ^^Davesmithsit said: “They are half the reason we have the second amendment.” What’s the other half? (and what is compitent?)

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    John Foster Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I’ve seen photos of places where everyone goes around armed. If my memory serves they are those great democratic, freedom loving countries of Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

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  10. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “Tell them to apply that logic to gun ownership.”

    Tell the Conservatives to apply that logic to same-sex marriage. Them having one doesn’t bother anyone, if it’s such a big deal don’t have one. But don’t deny them the economical rights and protections of a family just because it makes you icky. But guns, guns are OKAY amirite?!
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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    I live where every hunting season most everybody has a gun. I really don’t need to see them in churches, schools, shopping centers, or loaded and concealed in National Parks.

    How would people react if you walked into a room full of people, like a bar, with a live rattlesnake in your pocket?

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  12. Missing large
    brimhir  about 14 years ago

    Yes indeed. Guns are just like rattlesnakes! They are capable of independent operation and are also capable of killing people even if they are just sitting there with no one to handle them!

    Stats are good, too. Firearm murder rates will be higher in countries with firearms. Yes. I understand that. How about murder rates overall? Let’s include all weapons.

    Gun ownership does not mean rocket-propelled grenades and Predator vehicles.

    Alright, let’s get rid of all guns. All of them, the police won’t even have them, or the military, or anyone at all. Let’s all go back to the days when might make right and the biggest, strongest people ruled the weak.

    If I remember my history correctly, peoples’ rights and property were all highly respected in the middle ages when people were unable to stand up for themselves.

    Peasants and nobility - a perfect way of life.

    Read your history folks. Read about the steps the dictators and genocidal murderers took before their rampages. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    We had an idiot in the White House, and even as he started two wars and bankrupted the country, nobody seemed to react rationally. I’ve cleaned up after some bar fights- and was VERY glad no guns were involved, as a number of the folks WOULD have used them if available. A drunk with a gun and a rattlesnake DO represent a very similar threat- I’ve seen what drunks with guns do in other situations. Given the number of “accidental” gun deaths in the U.S., it would appear from NRA blame dodging that guns DO act independently.

    Regulating with sane laws is not banning, or seizure, or relevant to arguments in favor of unrestricted access, or functional capabilities of weapons.

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  14. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    “If I remember my history correctly, peoples’ rights and property were all highly respected in the middle ages when people were unable to stand up for themselves.”

    Actually, the difference in armament is much higher now. A medieval peasant could probably get their hands on a cheap enough weapon such as a spear, which might not be in the same category as a knight’s armament, but it was comparable. Now the difference is between rifles and planes, tanks, or artillery.

    It’s the mindset that has changed, not the relative force. A peasant rebellion had more chance of defending itself against a determined army in the 1200s than a rifle-and-pistol-armed one has now. Unless the NRA starts campaigning for free sale of anti-tank or SA missiles, the people won’t be able to do much about their rights beyond the usual democratic process. While the experience of Iraq, Afghanistan (both in the 1980’s and now) and many other places show that a militia is a danger to an army, it is not able to meet it in a determined war anymore than in the medieval times.

    Personally, I do not think a total “ban” on firearms is necessary, but I support meaningful regulation. Much has been said about the “right” to bear firearms, but it is a responsibility as well, and should be treated as such. If we regulate voting the essence of the democratic process, then we should treat firearms no less strictly.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    4uK- just got my wife her first hunting license to see if we can improve chances of drawing a tag this year. I stopped by to check prices on several of the calibers I own, to teach her how to shoot. (My kids have been expert for years, but she’s been “fearful” of firearms.)

    Given the local price increases I found due to the NRA “OMG OBAMA”S GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS!” hysteria- she better learn and improve fast! Your example of the “cheap” weapons issue is going to keep down sales, and keep guns out of the hands of the middle classes. Well, at least they won’t get in enough range time to be accurate!

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  16. New avatar
    MurphyHerself  about 14 years ago

    One local man went to Houston to make his fortune. He tended bar at night to help makes ends meet. One night an idiot came in and started shooting everybody but he ran out of bullets just as he came to our friend, who moved back in a hurry.

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