Drew Sheneman for August 01, 2014

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Not firing 3000 rockets and using tunnels to infiltrate suicide bombers might be a good start. Your philosophy and a couple of dollars will buy a cup of coffee.

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    klr562  almost 10 years ago

    Hamas, if you do not want your schools and hospitals destroyed stop using them as launch points for your rockets.

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    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    Of course Hamas could stop these attacks immediately by ceasing its attacks and honoring its ceasefire agreements.-On a related note: Hamas violates ceasefire within 90 minutes of its commencement:-http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/08/terrortunnels-hamas-detonates-suicide-bomb-kidnaps-idf-soldier-just-90-mins-into-ceasefire/

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    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    If Israeli Jews loved their children, they’d call for shutting down the land theft, and settlements, and kick out Netanyahu and Likud. Oh, wait, those who do HAVE been TRYING for some years to get a saner government in Israel, and just like with Hamas, the minority (actually) has taken power away from those who want peace.

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    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    An excerpt worth thinking about from an article on “Truthout”:

    Instead of taking a rigid political position, #IfNotNow has taken a much more human outlook than most groups. They call on the leaders of major Jewish institutions to stop supporting the ongoing military onslaught that is taking Palestinian and Israeli lives. They make this in their open letter which was recited in their action on Monday. The letter speaks of their grief for the amount of loss that has happened to Palestinians, and the needless loss of Israelis that have been fighting in Gaza. They recognize the immense inequality Palestinians face. They say that they are, “Outraged that so many speak of Palestinians as if their lives were worth less than our own, outraged at the justifications offered for the killing of so many.” They “reject the view that ‘we have no choice,’ that this violence is necessary and inevitable.”

    #IfNotNow members are standing up as Jews to oppose the war and occupation, and to mourn the immense loss, as Shapiro said, “in a Jewish way that seems important at a time like this.” They are part of a movement of trailblazers who are not only recognizing the humanity surrounding the conflict, but also rejecting the narrative being repeated by many, and advocating that occupation and the dehumanization of Palestinians must end in order for there to be peace, freedom, and dignity for all who reside in Israel and Palestine.

    As often as I’m wrongly condemned as “hating Jews”, just thought I’d point out that this group, like many others, are among those whom I DO highly respect, and agree with. It isn’t about “loving” Palestinians, OR Jews, but hating needless, senseless, war.

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    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^So says he so blinded by hate no light can enter his realm.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^Just a note on that, the IDF headquarters is right in the middle of a civilian dense area of Tel Aviv.

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