Michael Ramirez for July 30, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “What part of “legal” & “illegal” immigration does he have difficulty in distinguishing?"Wel he does seem to have a much better grasp than the average poster.

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  2. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The ideal conservative solution is to load all 12 million plus on a plane and send them back immediately. To save time, they can just drop them out of the airplane and not bother to land.

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    I think a large part of our disagreement is a result of conflicting information. Left wing believes the story that these are unaccompanied children who are refugees fleeing from a horrible life, convinced that an unknown life has to be better.

    Right wing believes the story that these are adults and/or accompanied by adults who think they have found an easier way to become an illegal immigrant. Many right-wingers also believe that Mr. Obama personally invited them.

    Both are depending on “news” sources that are less interested in telling the truth than to further their agendas. And there are so many outlets that are more than willing to tell us just what we want to hear that we gravitate to those and ignore the possibility that our source might not be providing correct information.

    I personally see both sides of the issue, primarily because I know enough to know that I can’t trust anyone to tell me the truth. Once truth is unverifiable, the only possible result is chaos. I am sad for the clueless news outlets, like CNN, but I am infuriated by the outlets who intentionally mislead, like Fox and MSNBC. They do no one any favors, not even their own viewers.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    To the tune of “Fascination”: “It’s all xenophobia, I know, but I’ve got mine and you’d better not come here!”

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  5. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  almost 10 years ago

    This loony, liberal blame Bush thing is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY getting old. It’s been 6 years, GET OVER IT!! And that 2008 law was passed by Congress, with democRAT support! Unlike obama it wasn’t an executive order. Bush didn’t just act alone!!! And no I don’t think Bush was the golden boy. That’s one thing I can’t stand about you liberals, at least Republicans can criticize our own. You lunatic liberals drink the Kool-Aide that MSNBC puts out there & REFUSE to take any responsibility or even criticize anything a liberatard says. Such as nancy Pelosi, did you catch her calling Hamas a humanitarian organization on the Sunday new shows? But that’s right she’s a far left liberal, much more enlightened then the rest of us!!

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  6. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  almost 10 years ago

    Ummm yea ok, not sure how a political cartoon about illegal immigrants became one about the War on Terrorism. My point was that after 6 years, it’s time to stop blaming your predecessor. To continue to do so shows a lack in leadership abilities or just being in a job you are in no way qualified for. I will be on my job 6 years this August, if I went to the owner of the company and said even once, “Well you can’t blame me! It’s the fault of the guy who had the job before me!” He would look at me like I’m crazy & tell me to leave & not come back. It’s called life. Get over it. Grow up. Move on!But since you brought it up. The real callousness & disservice to those that died and sacrificed for us, is to abandon, retreat, and give up all the gains that they made. To tell their families that there son or daughter died in vain and for no real purpose!Your whole paragraph about the 2008 bill makes absolutely no sense. Guess that’s your firm grasp of reality that you liberals have. You state “If there is blame it is with both parties in Congress…” Then go on to solely blame the Republicans & Bush. So let me get this straight. If the Republicans work with the DemocRATS and pass a bi-partisan bill (and isn’t that what you all harp on that the Republicans wont work with the President) and the bill is bad it’s the republicans fault, 100%. If on the other hand the Republicans don’t give in to the DemocRATS , i’ts still our fault. So we are damned if we do, damned if we don’t. And answer me this. Why is it always the Republicans that have to work with the DemocRATS; i.e give in an never the DemocRATS that have to work with the Republicans??Maybe Bush had a congress that was willing to work with him, because he was capable of working with the DemocRats behind the senses. And was able to show leadership at the negotiating table. I know, I know it’s so hard for you on the left to even think that Bush was capable of doing anything good, Obama demands that congress gives him what he wants or he picks up his toys and goes home. Maybe just maybe, if obama spent more time leading and less time campaigning and demonizing the Republicans & conservatives they would be more willing to work with him. I jnever heard Bush say that he has a phone and a pen.You claim that you don’t watch MSNBC and that you do criticize obama, yet all you do is blame the Republicans, the Conservatives, and Bush for everything that is wrong in the country and the world. Your words truly betray you. All you do is parrot the talking points that MSNBC and the lunatic left put out. Blame Bush, the party of no, the do nothing Republicans, you are racist if you criticize the anointed one, ect. And you adhere to the DemocRAT main party plank; If you tell a lie long enough & loud enough, eventually people will believe you. You are right though, you don’t need to watch MSNBC as CNN, ABC< NBC< & CBS all get their talking points from MSNBC. If MSNBS proclaims it so, it must be so!No to the biggest laugh I had all day! Seriously, I was laughing so hard I was crying. “. The liberals I know of believe in seeking the truth, dealing with facts and living in reality. Few of the CONservatives I have had the opportunity to talk to not to mention the CONservatives here seem to have even the slimmest grasp of reality.” Wow!! You can’t be serious!?!? It’s pretty scary actually that your thinking on the left is so delusional that you actually think you have any grasp on reality. I have never met a liberal or DemocRat that has any logic or reasoning skills, That can even debate or defend his position. But they are very good at name calling. DemocRATS especially liberals aren’t interested in the truth. All they care about is spinning the truth to suit their ends. DemocRATS and liberals, never ever let the facts get in the way of their narrative. I have never met a liberal or rad anything by a liberal that even has a toe hold in reality, can even smell reality. And yes I am generalizing.

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  7. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  almost 10 years ago

    I really should have proof read that before posting it, LOL!

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