Clay Jones for July 28, 2014

  1. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    Ironically, if Democrats were consistent about their stated principles THEY would be leading a push to impeach the president.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Nancy Pelosi’s greatest error: “Impeachment is off the table.”

    But the reason isn’t necessarily the removal of the President, it is the opportunity for the House to investigate OPENLY charges such as the lies surrounding WMDs, OR the lies that were trumped up over “Whitewater” where nothing illegal was done, so they had to switch to a blue dress.

    The number of Americans who understand what “articles of impeachment” actually means, is slight indeed, and seems to include cartoonists over the years as well.

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    tengu99  almost 10 years ago

    I doubt the republicans care who is president as long as it is not Obama. Remember, this is the same group that has so little unity that the only thing they could agree to do was a lot of meaningless votes to defund Obama care.

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    tengu99  almost 10 years ago

    Having Biden has President might be a good thing for politics. The way he talks is entertaining enough that it might get people to pay attention to what he is doing. It might lead to more people paying attention to what Congress is doing instead of what Fox and MSNBC are spewing.

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  5. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    I had my disagreements with President George W. Bush, and didn’t agree with every policy of Ronald Reagan, but neither president did anything that would call for impeachment by my understanding of our constitutional principles.-Some on the left have obviously disagreed. Again, the irony is that several of the things they accuse Presidents Reagan and Bush of doing President Obama has apologetically done. In addition, his administration’s use of the IRS to punish political opponents is significant in light of the fact that one of the counts of impeachment against President Nixon is that he ATTEMPTED to use the IRS to in a discriminatory manner.-Sometimes both parties show a certain amount of hypocrisy in their treatment of political issues, although often I think that the apparent hypocrisy should be better understood as playing according to the rules as they are, not as how you would want them to be. In this case, however, the hypocrisy lies entirely with those on the left who demanded impeachment of Republican Presidents for activities for which they give President Obama a pass.

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