Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for July 11, 2014

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Dick Cheney — still a hero to most Republicans/Fox “News” viewers. And a hero to ChickenHawks everywhere.

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  2. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    Well stated, Mr. Kallaugher.

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    Dick Cheney has enjoyed power and money his whole career. He is impervious to anyone poking fun at him, or speaking the truth about his actions. The dead cannot hurt him.

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    beautifulyoli Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Just great!

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “Libs continue their love affair with Saddam Hussein….”-The libs that supplied Saddam with all kinds of weaponry, including chemical weapons? - Those libs?

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    ARodney  almost 10 years ago

    Speak for yourself, “Iran, which we weren’t too fond of.” Reagan was perfectly happy to sell weapons to Iran, though it was explicitly against the law. And no, when you say libs would be happy with Hussein in power, you’re lying. You can’t find a liberal who would be. But we would have been VERY happy to have gotten rid of him in a more sensible manner. It could have been done a lot more cheaply than $3 trillion and destroying the Iraqi government that kept the wackos in check.

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  7. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 10 years ago

    “……and shooting at our planes….”.Shooting at our planes that were invading his country..It’s not that Saddam was a good guy, but was illegally deposing him worth $2-3 trillion, 4,000 American lives, 110,000 Iraqi lives, hundreds of thousands maimed and wounded, destabilizing the entire region, handing over control to Iran, and the American military and the homeland weakened? If Cheney and supporters would make that decision again they are demented idiots.

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