Lisa Benson for February 04, 2010

  1. Missing large
    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    “They” have your money in some island country? What on earth can that mean? And, what has being rich got to do with ignoring the national debt? In America rich and poor alike too often seem blase about the debt. Lisa seems to be pointing out that Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public will have egg on their faces before very long.

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  2. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 14 years ago

    I’m not a Ronnie Reagan. I am concerned about deficits.

    However, I fear a historical trap. See:

    Spend in hard times. Save in good times. Like Bill Clinton.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Where was Lisa when tax breaks were being handed out to the only folks who could afford to pay? Right, she was lined up with those same non-taxed folks who were also getting the most from public largess.

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    oneoldhat  over 14 years ago

    what island do you have your $ in sr bull

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    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    hey Obambi….rotate from 9 o’clock to 6 o’clock and the debt will go where it belongs!

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    johndh123  over 14 years ago


    you said…”So you finally see what the Rich are up to. Only thing is they have our money in some Island country. It’s like you say, “Follow the money”.”

    Consider this. Why does it always come down to the Rich vs the UNrich? What you cited is not the mainstream of the Republican party. Republicans are no more just old rich white men than Democrats are only union members and welfare mothers. (I can only cover two of the three points for a Republican, and one is not Rich ;) ) Fair is fair senor. It comes from both sides. Just to make a point. (still trying to curry favor to get some tomatoes….)

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    millerdunwoody  over 14 years ago

    I’d be curious to know what Lisa Benson’s views on the national debt were during the last administration, when Dick Cheney was telling us that “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.”

    Actually, I think it was Franklin Roosevelt and John Maynard Keynes who proved it, but whatever.

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  8. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    @RV I asked myself that question as well. I’m guessing she never read any stories as a kid (which would explain a lot). In the clean version Jack runs off with the treasure/goose that lays a golden egg/ singing harp/something good and of value.

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    millerdunwoody  over 14 years ago

    “At least the ‘rich’ in this country provide jobs if not taxed to the hilt.”

    Yeah, you’re right. My former company, owned by a rich guy, gave me a good job for six years until he and his partners felt like they weren’t making enough money selling what I and my fellow workers were building. Too bad, layoffs for everybody. Upshot? We’re broke and he’s still rich.

    Do you really favor a system that depends on high profit margins and the good will of rich people who, incidentally, don’t give a bleep about you, to enable you to make a living? Rich people (at least the ones I know) aren’t evil, they’re actually very nice. But I don’t want to depend on them for my sustenance, which is what you’re saying when you say “rich people provide jobs.” Yes, they do, and they bleeping take them away at the same time and leave you stranded in an economy that was bleeped up by … rich people.

    I’ve been unemployed for going on two years with nothing since summer 08 but temp jobs and the U.S. Census Bureau–which incidentally pays better than any private-sector job I’ve had in the past, oh, 7 years, about the same period as the last Republican administration. Yes, Republicans: friend of the working man.

    So please shut your hole about the virtues of trickle-down economics. It’s been a Republican sham from the day it was introduced by David Stockman in nineteen-eighty-bleeping-one and it remains one to this day. People should quit believing in the freaking Tooth Fairy of Magically Appearing Revenues Created By Rich People Who Unfortunately Don’t Seem To Be Doing Much Trickling These Days and start thinking more about the wastefulness of the military-industrial complex and how that affects our standard of living.

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  10. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Mostly tax cuts human. Less revenue for the government to pay off that debt. If Obama would roll back the Reagan Tax cuts we’d have more than enough to pay the Communist Chinese back and get single payer.

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    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    Yes, I know about offshore tax havens. The part that makes no sense is that the typical Republican uses one. That stereotype is so grotesque that I couldn’t quite believe that it was meant in earnest. But then, nothing is grotesque for someone who labels those with whom he disagree as Nazis.

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    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    Funny that rich CEO’s give more money to liberal Democrat politicians and other seekers of utopia than to conservatives. I never hear an explanation of why those depicted with dollar signs on their vests mostly seem to vote like Puerto Ricans.

    Finally, Human, tell us again when the great peace president is going to cut the military budget and start getting us out of Afghanistan rather than in deeper.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Definately a fun looking cartoon style.

    Um taxes and national debt…run a drive similar to the one in Haiti to pay some of the debt off.

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  14. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Is Obama Link from The Legend of Zelda? Yummy!

    Sooky Rottweiler says; When a dog humps a human leg, it’s a bad habit. When a human female humps an inanimate object, it’s called a sex toy. There’s no justice!

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    um…definitely. So it isn’t defi “nate”. Awesome, I couldn’t understand how come “nate” was getting so much credit in verbal usage.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Oh and isn’t it choose, instead of “chose”. :))

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