Clay Jones for April 14, 2014

  1. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Sadly, few Republicans will see this & realize that every one of those quotes are real. And, Mitch McConnell has been very helpful with his Youtube videos.

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  2. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    @Uncle Joe – Yes, I agree. There are fringe groups in the party that believe that crap. Probably a different fringe for each phrase but I’m sure there is some overlap.

    I would have added: “It can’t have been rape if you got pregnant – God gives women the power to stop it”.

    But I think the Republican party is trying to get a muzzle and leash on the stupid and the crazy in the party. Because if they don’t – They will be back out in the wilderness for 40 years like the 60s – 80s.

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    chazandru  about 10 years ago

    Recognizing that many of the tactics being used by Republicans since 2009 were originally used by Democrats under Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., I wonder how Democrats are going to behave if a Republican takes the Presidency in 2016. Will they take these “just say no” precedents and block all Republican bills, even the good ones? However, having watched the way conservatives in states are behaving, I find myself more concerned than ever that a Republican super majority with a Republican President could pass bills I’ve only heard Congressmen in secure districts talk about. One congressman is on tape saying that voters should not be able to vote until they are 21 because 18 year olds are too irresponsible. In Texas, there have been efforts to make it harder for women voters, with one woman judge forced to go get more i.d. to prove her name because her name was changed when she was married.A true democracy should be trying to make voting as easy and as verifiable as possible. Conservatives are focusing on ways to make it intensely verifiable while removing any conveniences for those who will have to stand in line and take time off from work.I am sorry the cartoon is accurate. I am equally sorry the Democrats have made their own party untrustworthy and undependable. I am mostly sorry that we, the people, who should know better, are allowing these self serving career politicians and their media followers to divide us and make us say and do so many many things to each other in our support for a better government, For the people, and By the People.Respectfully,C.

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  4. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  about 10 years ago

    Disgraceful leftist? All of the quotes are from republicans. Don’t forget the teaparty guy with the sign boldly stating: “Get a brain morans!”

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  5. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    @Joadtom – Unfortunately; Republicans make it very easy to be painted with a broad brush because you don’t see them distance themselves from the loonies.

    Case in point – When Todd Akin (of Missouri) started using the term Legitimate Rape (A favored term of the anti-choice crowd) the Republican Party had a moment where they could have very publically thrown him out and made it clear that they wouldn’t be a party to such tripe.

    They made a conscious descion to court the Religous right at the expense of intelligent women and Millenial voters. And it, more then anything else, cost the Republicans control of the Senate.

    And as though that wasn’t enough Murdock (from Indiana) also publically doubted rape was sufficient cause to allow a woman to have an abortion.

    For too long, the Republican party has allowed these typically marginalized zealots to guide and speak for the party and it is high time we discarded their superstious nonsense and adhered to the tenants of freedom, self-reliance, and personal responsibility.

    The Republican Party talks a good game of Freedom and Responsibility but they are all to eager to remove rights and freedoms from the population if it offends their particular superstition.

    Rand Paul has a new direction to take the Republican Party and it is one that will be inclusive and attractive to young people. But it will mean the Repbulican party will have to give up their strong need to keep Women and Minorities subjigated as second class citizens.

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  6. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 10 years ago

    Real Republicans are extremely funny, they just don’t know it.

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  7. Missing large
    retpost  about 10 years ago

    Real Republicans are not in charge of the republican party.

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