Lisa Benson for March 20, 2014

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Great toon. Spot on!

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  2. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  about 10 years ago

    If they’re the most transparent administration, I’d hate to think about the rest. Nixon may have been paranoid, but at least he didn’t have the NSA spying on us all. Or did he?

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    Bloggispher  about 10 years ago

    Sadly that’s how socialism is.

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  4. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    This is the most incompetent and ineffective in over a century. I bet Jimmy Carter is happy he’s no longer topping that list..What is interesting about that is it mirrors Obama’s performance as a Lecturer / Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago.His peers there said he was disengaged and did the minimum amount of work. Outside of teaching his three classes he published nothing, rarely if ever attended any academic functions, and basically skated.His student evaluations in 1992 when he started were quite high but by 1997 he was being rated one of the worst instructors at the law school. His class sizes also fell from 40 – 50 down to the teens as students figured out they were worthless..As a Senator in Illinois his performance again mirrors this. He had over 130 “present” votes, the highest in recent history. He presented no serious legislation of his own and basically did the minimum in office..Same goes as a US Senator..So, now we have a President who apparently has little real concern for the job, is doing the minimum he can to get by, produces little or nothing of value, and people have finally gotten his number as his polling now is in the basement.

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  5. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  about 10 years ago

    Just because the administration is transparent, doesn’t mean they want you touching their stuff. Vote for your own administration! Couldn’t get more opaque than Cheney-Bush.

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  about 10 years ago

    Repeat the lie often enough and many will come to believe it and the “useful idiots” will propagate it for the vested interests.

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    Tim Culberson  about 10 years ago

    I am sure the POTUS is a caring person who really wants the best for everyone, but as an Executive and keeper of promises he is awful. Can’t work with anyone.W was the best President for what could have been a dark time for the US. Could you have imagined Gore or Obama dealing with 9/11? We’d probably still be getting a reports on what happend and making apologies to the terrorists for provoking them. if the XL Keystone pipeline is any indication of his decision making.

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    kline0800  about 10 years ago

    Is Obama our first Bubble Prez?From birth to the present day, he seems to have lived in his own narrow Bubble, being taken care of and protected by others……doing nothing to better the world….doing 8 years in the White House as a permanent vacation……being rewarded by Media and leftist entities (Nobel Peace Prize?)….egads.

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  9. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Do elaborate TTM on how the Bush administration was so “incompetent” and what “…devastation (was) wrought upon this country…”

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    Tim Culberson  about 10 years ago

    You related to Obama?

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  11. Schrutebuck
    fluffy_67  about 10 years ago

    I am stunned that anyone, no matter the party affiliation, would take or even have the time to write so much on an internet comics comments page. Why are we wasting so much time in Washington, when the answers to all of our problems are right here on the GoComics website???

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    oneoldhat  about 10 years ago

    bho has accomplished 2 things so far 1] made nixon look more truthful 2] harding more honest

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  13. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    “SERIOUSLY? You think starting two wars, one based on lies, while cutting taxes (which was NEVER done before while at war) was a GOOD thing?”.Better than passing bad legislation taking over a sixth (approxmately) of the economy an putting it under government control for perpetutity (eg., Obamacare). Wars end, big social welfare programs don’t and they gobble up far more money than wars do..“Bush received a report about a terrorist threat and his response is to go on a month long vacation when he had only been in office for a few months.”.Hindsight is 100%. Clinton got warnings and missed them, every President does. It is how they handle them that makes a difference.Obama’s choice was to create a lie about a fictional movie and deny terrorist involvement. When the lies exploded in his face he chose to dodge responsibility..“Violating Geneva Convention”.As in?.’Secret energy policies with companies like Enron.".Solyindra?.

    “Signing the TARP bailout with ZERO strings attached for the banks.”.TARP was paid back. Even Obama says it..On the other hand where did that trillion dollars Obama spent on a “stimulus” end up?.

    “Outing a CIA agent”.Weak, weak…

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