Scott Stantis for January 24, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Ask the folks in Churchill about the bears being driven off of where there used to be ice, and seal hunting opportunities.

    btw, the folks on the east coat complaining about getting near normal cold weather back should be thankful, as the cold kill off some of the insects that have been destroying their forests as recent winters haven’t been cold enough to polish off many larvae. Those dead forests have been a demonstration of warming, just like increased numbers of opportunistic bears, from a reduced overall population, seeking food where they can find it.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Thanks for posting this article. Here is a passage from it, for those who don’t have the initiative to look at the link:

    “At the Swiss resort of Davos, corporate leaders and politicians gathered for the annual four-day World Economic Forum will devote all of Friday to panels and talks on the threat of climate change. The emphasis will be less about saving polar bears and more about promoting economic self-interest.

    In Philadelphia this month, the American Economic Association inaugurated its new president, William D. Nordhaus, a Yale economist and one of the world’s foremost experts on the economics of climate change.

    “There is clearly a growing recognition of this in the broader academic economic community,” said Mr. Nordhaus, who has spent decades researching the economic impacts of both climate change and of policies intended to mitigate climate change.

    In Washington, the World Bank president, Jim Yong Kim, has put climate change at the center of the bank’s mission, citing global warming as the chief contributor to rising global poverty rates and falling G.D.P.’s in developing nations. In Europe, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Paris-based club of 34 industrialized nations, has begun to warn of the steep costs of increased carbon pollution."

    +It’s pretty clear that those who insist that climate change isn’t happening are just behind the information curve.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    ^^Overtaxed: yes, it’s just winter, and the problem is folks do NOT remember what winters used to be, which PROVES the problem with global climate change and the mythology of “deniers” versus the written records as well as what we “old folks” saw on a regular basis.

    Plowing 20ft drifts with a blade plow?? You trying to prove folks memories are totally distorted and B.S.? I drove plows back in the ’70’s, blades and rotaries, even a rotary isn’t going to ram anywhere near 20 feet of snow and just go on down the road for a half mile without stopping. Yes, we DID have drifts that deep, and after trimming with dozers, THEN going in with rotaries to clear the passes was the methodology. Then there were the avalanche chutes for some real “entertainment”!!

    It was fun to watch the train rotaries (back in the steam days no less!) clearing the passes in the Cascades as a kid, but even railroads would find 20 feet of snow “intimidating”.

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    hostitulator  about 10 years ago

    This shit’s been going on for billions of years and someone thinks they can make a prediction with less than 200 years of data ….

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