Marshall Ramsey for August 08, 2013

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    DJGravityX  over 10 years ago

    This is a catch 22. During Coolidge barely anything was “done.” Because making new laws and policies usually requires more spending and more programs and departments, etc. The longer they work, they more than can get “done.” That’s part of the problem. Also, it was under Coolidge the last time we actually decreased Federal spending and eliminated programs. So even though they barely worked, they got the most important stuff done. It also just so happen to start the boom and super low rates of unemployment and record high wealth and numbers of wealthy and middle class, at the time.~The catch is while Congress not working can be a good thing because less money is being spent on crap, stuff that needs to truly be worked on (getting rid of/defunding bad programs, having some reasonable immigration reform among them, won’t get worked on till it’s too late. This isn’t good.~Furthermore, most of these folks are waaaay too over paid. It’s a sham of a mockery of a mockery of 2 shams of a mockery that these folk get paid so much money to burn the people they are supposed to serve and not get done stuff they should and get done stuff they shouldn’t. But the worst part is the benefits. That’s the killer.~So I say catch 22. I wish they would work less but harder and smarter to get the right stuff done the right way and not have to bleed the people dry in the process.~Though i guess those terms are quite subjective … Catch 22.

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