Lisa Benson for May 14, 2013

  1. Knightavatar
    2cynical  almost 11 years ago

    Some targets are more deserving than others.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Let’s see, groups that say they hate government, clalim taxes are illegal, and/or say they refuse to pay them, and submit for “tax free” status, hmm, why would they ever warrant additional investigation on their status requests?

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Let’s see, groups that say they hate government, clalim taxes are illegal, and/or say they refuse to pay them, and submit for “tax free” status, hmm, why would they ever warrant additional investigation on their status requests?

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    The increase of “issue driven” legislation groups like the ones filing for the new 501C designation created problems for the IRS. They apparently needed to investigate new applications to see if they were “political” or “issue” driven. On top of a doubling of applications for this status, the IRS decided to have all of these applications run through one office located in Ohio rather than spread throughout the country. Too much paperwork, too few workers, and a very small group of samplers. The IRS is also effectively functioning without a supervisor since the last one, a Mr. Schulman who was appointed under Mr. Bush, left last November. It is possible this was just bad judgement, or it could be a group of ‘loyalists’ who wanted to find something to use against the ‘other side’. If our legislators would work together in a bipartisan manner, perhaps gov’t employees wouldn’t be part of the Us vs Them attitude we see in the media and in forums such as this.The IRS abuse and the AP investigations seem on the surface to be the kind of big gov’t overreach Conservatives and Liberals alike fear. I look forward to the results of the investigations.Respectfully,C.

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    Okay, put your money where your mouth is. Find me a single TEA Party site that has in its charter that “hates government,” “thinks taxes are illegal,” and in turn “refuses to pay them.” Find it! I’ll wait.

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  6. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    This one hits it on the nose. The IRS delights in finding the Honey Boo Boos of the Tea party and then hold them up as the representative of the rest of us.

    The government is wasteful and spends far too much time trying to equalize outcome rather then equalize opportunity. I think there are plenty of people that would agree with that assertion.

    Instead of scrutinizing that claim – The press (with a few exceptions) spend their time trying to make anyone that espouses that opinion appear to be fringe.

    We (The United States) spend too much money on: Exporting Death, Taking away liberty, Transferring wealth from one group to another, Trying to make people in other states do what WE want.

    Listen to the Ranting and Gnashing of teeth when the Sequester took away 2.5% of their budgets (Arguably the only spending cuts that have ever been successful.

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  7. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  almost 11 years ago

    Converting America to Communism is their real agenda… We all know this.

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    How cute, Barry has his very own KGB.

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  9. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @flake-67121 I would like to agree with your quote “leave everybody else alone” but when Republicans are in power they change their tune.

    How many states, last year, tried to eliminate or curtail abortion through laws that did everything from drive out doctors to forcing women to undergo invasive ultrasounds before they could EARN the priviledge of deciding for themselves whether or not they would carry a child to term.

    McCain and his War Pigs seem to delight in exporting OUR form of Democracy to countries that don’t want it. At the threat of bombings and drone strikes if they don’t accept it.

    The Republican party seems unwilling to bend on the drug issue and wants to enforce abstinence on everyone whether they need it or not.

    Unfortunately – the" I want to control how other people think and behave" is not limited to the Democrats. As a Republican, myself, I cringe when I see Fat Old curmudgeons from either party stand up and espouse how their parties use of the Federal government is good and just and the other parties use is evil.

    I don’t belong to the tea party but I appreciate any organization that is trying to limit the scope and reach of the Federal Government to the powers assigned to it in the constitution. But until we wean the US voters off the need to control how their neighbor thinks and acts we will be stuck with a bloated and out of control Federal government.

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  10. Camera
    PepeLePew2010  almost 11 years ago

    Joker: Yes, and if I don’t pay up, I’ll go to jail for tax evasion! I’m crazy enough to take on Batman, but the I.R.S.? No, thank you!

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    Ansonia, I am absolutely NOT giving the IRS an out on this. Whoever decided any system of going through these forms other than “lottery” was wrong. No one should have been given special treatment or negative reviews based on their names. Centralizing this procedure made it easier for a small group of people to make these decisions, and perhaps under orders from above. I DO NOT KNOW. I’ve heard excuses and reasons. I am waiting for more info, and frustrated that instead of it being done objectively and intelligently, it will be done in order to give the best advantage for 2014.Someone needs to lose their job and if the regs offer it, perhaps even do a little time.I feel the same way about the AP story. Both are blatant abuses of power by someone. Benghazi was a tragic incident., the IRS and AP stories are violations of the Constitution.@ at ConservGov – I am not impartial. I am a progressive moderate who is left of center. This is an obvious abuse of power by the Federal Gov’t, MY Federal gov’t… YOUR Federal Gov’t…. Mr. Boehnor, Mr. Reid’s, Ms. Pelosi, and Mr. McConnall’s Federal Gov’t. It is also Mr. Obama’s Federal gov’t, but that doesn’t mean he knew or approved of AP or the IRS event and until the investigations play out, we don’t KNOW.However, I do tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when I can. It’s that “Innocent until proven guilty” thing. But I am partial, look at my profile and you’ll see what I’m partial to.Respecfully,C.

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  12. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  almost 11 years ago

    Harleyquinn, in fact-

    CBS News President David Rhodes’ brother, Ben Rhodes, is Obama’s Deputy National Security guy that rewrote the Benghazi “talking points.”

    ABC News President Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall is the Special Assistant of Brarack Obama.

    CNN Deputy Bureau Chief Virginia Moseley is married to Hillary Clinton’s Deputy, Tom Nides.

    Typical Democrat-Main Stream Media incest.

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  13. 100 8161
    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    Hello Molon Labe,Quick question. I know that the Associated Press was abused by the justice department in what sounds really wrong. I also know that a Cleveland office of the IRS tasked with inspecting and reviewing 501C applications targeted conservative “Issue” organizations for special review, 1 in 4 of all they did, perhaps more. I’m also aware they asked some real suspicious questions for an agency tasked with licensing and auditing 501 groups.Are you saying the IRS also released collected information to the media?If so, stupidity may not be a crime, but SOMEBODY will be going to jail. Would love to know what the name means, Molon.And thanks for the thoughts. Except for that one question, I agree with everything you said. I was pleased that one of Mr. Holder’s “reasons” was that he had reclused himself on the IRS matter because he was too close to it.I hope he’s telling the truth, but I just don’t know. But somebody does.Take care, Molon Labe,Sincerely,C.

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    Libertarian1  almost 11 years ago

    Just a compliment. So rare to read a well thought out factual post here.

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    But that’s exactly my point. If the IRS is going only on what is factually available, there is no evidence to support what you are claiming. You are opining that they act this way, and base your opinions on behavior of a few and apply that to the whole. Are there nutjobs in the TEA party? Absolutely. Just like there are nutjobs in the DNC, nutjobs in the libertarian party, and everywhere in between. But if you pay attention to the true purpose of the TEA party, and the official approach that they are taking, the IRS targeted them for purely political reasons. Why would you pursue someone who’s stated mission is to “enhance education of the US Constitution?” Yes, that was one of their filters. What is wrong with understanding the founding document of our country? Unless, of course, your goal is to suppress a specific group of people’s voting. And that’s why what the IRS did.

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