Nick Anderson for May 02, 2013

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    Always campaigning. A lifelong government recipient who will always play both sides while standing for nothing.

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    Mickey 13  about 11 years ago

    He got lots of practice in being wimpy after making the same kind of threats to Iran. Now that Iran is in the final stages of developing nuclear weapons, maybe he can just quietly slip away and pretend like we’re not involved. Blame GW or the Europeans or someone…

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    cdward  about 11 years ago

    I’m perfectly happy for us to not jump into Syria. We haven’t extracted ourselves from our other quagmires yet. His biggest mistake was saying anything at all.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    This cartoon is annoying since it has been my own opinion that we should have been assisting the Syrian people the way we did the Libyan people from the beginning of this conflict. Once rockets landed in Turkey and Israel, it seemed as if NATO had a reason to go in. As methods of killing people go, gas appears to have killed fewer than 1% and no one can definitely say if the gas released was ordered by the regime, an act of desperation by a field commander, or ordinance damaged or mishandled by militants themselves.The USA should not go in unilaterally and it would be best if they could do the same thing in Syria that they did in Libya, that is to support European and Arab forces that enforce no fly zone and force mechanized units to take shelter. Syria still has one of the most advanced anti aircraft systems in the region and the loss of one US aircraft would be a significant PR victory for the people who hate us. Russia is also a wild card in all of this since they are an ally of Syria and might feel obliged to intervene were we to attack Syria without having an incredible amount of info.Sadly, no matter when we assisted or if we never assist, there is little the USA can do in the region to create good will and trust among those nations as long as there is no resolution to the conflict between Palestine and Israelis, as long as GITMO is still open, and as long as US Christians are loud and angry about their fears of Muslims.I do wonder what Mr. Obama would do if western journalists could catch regular military units using WMDs on a large population of people. Humans can really be awful creatures in actions and in words. It’s very sad.Respectfully,C.

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    pirate227  about 11 years ago

    Not having a knee-jerk POTUS, you will have to wait until he THINKS this through, unlike our previous POTUS.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Thanks for the link, Michael.More Weapons of Mass Education?Unless I missed something, the link gives good reason for Mr Obama to continue as he appears to be, though I still think harassing Syria’s air defenses would be useful to the militants.That said…Syria has built an air defense system with Israel in mind. I don’t think we’re in disagreement here.Take care, neighbor,Respectfully, C.

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    PMcDonald1963  about 11 years ago

    We would all be better off if we ignored the trolls (Ms. Ima, HOWGOZIT, Gore Bane, ConserveGov, etc.) … all they do is spew the same one-and-two-line bulsit on each page — rants that get under the skin of right-minded people … consider that either (1) none of them care any more than to hit-and-run like most who spray grafitti on any blank space, and don’t really care what anybody thinks, or (2) some right-wing/Tea Party sugah dadda pays them to spew this garbage, making them low-life freeloaders, just as they accuse everybody who actually employs actual thought processes before posting on the Internet.

    I would be VERY interested to see a DD214 proving more than three months of honorable service from any of these right-wing trolls … but I expect that could never happen …

    Just a couple of cents from a 20-year USMC (Ret) who earned a master’s degree in something other than a redneck agenda …

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    dannysixpack  about 11 years ago

    onguard said, about 10 hours ago

    “More of Obama’s Core Values……..Run N Hide.”just like bush did on 9-11

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