Michael Ramirez for January 06, 2013

  1. Pig
    jonesb  over 11 years ago

    Government can’t create jobs, all it can do is misallocate money which causes bubbles that eventually burst.

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  2. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Where are the weights for the Bush record?Well????

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    moranor  over 11 years ago

    Mr. Ima, with all due respect, you should diversify where you get your news.

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  4. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    FINALLY!! A cartoon about jobs!!!In that context, I can provide my own insight on this cartoon. Those weights don’t look like much, but what you don’t see are the electromagnets republicans and amendment writing dems have placed under the floor making it impossible for the President to lift the job numbers and strengthen his presidency and our nation. Reagan & Clinton had “spotters” to help them strengthen employment A president cannot create jobs when legislators are too busy protecting political donors and those organizations who have promised them employment after they leave government service.And do you folks have any idea of the kind of benefits these people get after leaving office? It’s pretty insane and definitely qualifies as wasteful spending.Respectfully,C.

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    comics Premium Member over 11 years ago

    If Obama tripled the national debt like Reagan did he could have outstanding job growth.

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    acutally i agree with ima here. The bush record would not fit into the box of the cartoon. It would be somewhere around down here with the posts. -700,000 per month! and it certainly paved the way for everything that has followed.the biggest problem is the GOP is trying to prove their wacky theories about FDR extending the depression. so instead of being like the democrats under bush and supporting their president, the current house GOP is obstructing economic growth.

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    Quipss  over 11 years ago

    I swear I need to save this as a text document but here is a small note******************************************************************The 1981 recession was caused by a small organization known as the Federal Reserve. It made a seemingly tiny change to the primerate 12%-23%. It seemingly is hard to produce a monthly return of 24% on origional capital.

    What was required and what happened was the government strong armed the federal reserve into reducing the prime rate

    Bill Clinton was part of the dot.com boom.

    The 2008 financial crisis ended up causing banks to either go bankrupt (Lehman brothers) or to foreclose on buisnesses and homes. This destroyed jobs and also reduced home value. In the psycological aftermath of the relatively traumatic event many people tried to sell their homes, further decreasing the value of the homes

    now to end this the federal government could have

    A) nationalized every major bank in the USA. Thus ending foreclosures. B) ban the sale of houses and effectively put an artificial limit on value of homesC) throw massive amounts of bills out of helicopters in a way of funding stimulus ( good ole Bernanke)

    Now considering this is all quite radical and would likely cause long term issues lets scrap all of that

    Following forward

    . Offshore drilling is at all time high

    . Income tax hadn’t gone up until fiscal cliff so the robin hood argument is invalid

    . Stimulus to green energy totaled at 300 million, not billion. 300 million


    Compared to 700 billion for the financial bailout.


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  8. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 11 years ago

    If Reagan’s job record includes giving American jobs to illegal immigrants via amnesty then Ramirez is right on the money.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    The “temporary” increase in jobs in the U.S., the huge increase in jobs in China and India instead of here, and the quadrupling of the national debt, are the real “Reagan record”. Clinton slowed the rise in debt, produced more jobs, then “W” came in , and with smoke and mirrors, sent the country down the tube that swallowed the economy, in 2008.

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  10. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    The short answer is no. Republicans in the Senate “filibustered” nearly every bill offered by the house in 2009 and 2010. In 2011 and 12, Reid’s senate democrats failed to A- force those threatening to filibuster to actually filibuster, B- write bills and budgets to present to the house whether or not they would pass, and C- continued to attach superfulous spending to any bill that might possibly pass the senate and house. The republicans did C as well, but the Dems should have set a better example since they talked such a good game about earmarks and the like.With spotters like that, it’s surprising Obama isn’t lying dead on the bench with the weights crushing his chest.That said, as progressives go, Obama makes a good moderate republican.Thank you for the reply. In these forums, its easy to take such questions as insincere, but anyone who uses a gold dragon as an avatar has to be good. ;)Respectfully,C.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    “No, he just doubled the national debt and created no jobs. Not sure I see the correlation…”*WRONG! Obama didn’t double the debt (unless you believe that 2 × 11.9 = 16.4. However, W Bush actually did ($5.8 trillion in Sep 2001, $11.9 trillion in Sep 2009).*These are readily available facts. There are plenty of sources. Here’s one: http://useconomy.about.com/od/usdebtanddeficit/a/National-Debt-by-Year.htm*Please don’t reply that “Obama was inaugurated in Jan 2009, so the Oct 1,2008 to Sep 30 2009 wasn’t his.” W’s TARP was after Oct 1, 2008. So was all of the unbudgeted war costs until Jan 20, 2009. Even if you round it down a bit, W doubled the debt.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    “O has more than tripled the national debt, heck, we should have negative unemployment if government spending created jobs”*What we have here is a math under-achiever. The debt at the end of W’s last budget period (Sep 30, 2009) was $11.9 trillion, Do you even know what it is today? (Hint: About 37% more(

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    Mind listing just 1% of the “thousands of new job-killing regulations every month” (that may be as few as 10) for any month of your chosing?

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  14. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I read an article that researched the details of new jobs over the last year. It says that over half of the permanent new hires in civilian jobs are in govt: Local, State, and Federal. If it is accurate, we do not have a Recovery, we have the Second Great Depression.

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  15. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 11 years ago

    If you would just BUY SOME FREAKING HEALTH INSURANCE FROM A PRIVATE COMPANY I wouldn’t have to be spending MY taxes to pay for your Emergency room visit every time you get a tummy ache.THAT is the Romneycare tax hike.

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  16. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    btw: the “W” record dropped the bar through the platform, where it rested into the third year of Obama’s administration. We’re still working at it, not if Boehner and the Republicans would just get on board and do a little lifting, instead of sawing that hole around the lifter.

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