Jeff Danziger for December 19, 2012

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    Odon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    A Well-Regulated Militia. The definition of well regulated is overdue for major updating.

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    cdward  over 11 years ago

    Because you guys are paranoid nut-cases.

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  3. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    Care to back that up…the way YOU always demand that everyone who disagrees with you back their claims?

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    Jason Allen  over 11 years ago

    The sign in the window corner should read “Shoot first and ask questions if you survive.”

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  5. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    Because you’re easily manipulated by people trying to sell you expensive things that make you feel artificially virile.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    ODon: If you would read the Constitution, you would know what “well regulated” means. Article II, Section 2:“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Armyh and Navy of the United State, and of the Militia of the several States”. It was written to “Provide for the Common Defense” [preamble] while avoiding such threats to our liberties as: a standing army, conscription, or mercenaries. Militias can only be used for defense, not invading whatever country has resources the capitalists want. This system was abandoned in the late 19th century in favor of imperialism, as the war profiteers of the Civil War took over the economy. Switzerland still uses it, but then they consider their military for national defense only; their banks can deal with ruling the world.

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    Fourcrows  over 11 years ago

    This is not a mental illness issue. Other countries have the same percentage of mentally ill citizens but not the same percentage of gun deaths (suicides or homicides). The primary factor is more guns are in the hands of an “unregulated militia” – our citizens who have so much fear that they feel a need to own guns. A secondary factor, if you want to use the mental illness excuse, is that other industrialized countries have universal healthcare. That means that any person can get the professional help they need without having to pay too much for it. If money is not an issue, how many more families would ensure that their children or other loved ones got the care they needed instead of worrying that a specialist like a psychiatrist was not covered by their insurance company or out of their budget? If you think that an improved mental health system is the answer, why do you fight universal healthcare? The solution you are looking for is one you keep shooting down.Also, nobody ha ever given me the answer of why they NEED an AR-15, AK-47, or other semi-automatic large capacity weapon. Please don’t hide behind the “because it’s my right” excuse. It is my right in my state to have a gay marriage now, it doesn’t mean I have to have one.

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    “Thanks NRA for supplying the Mexican drug cartels with American guns.”

    How interesting, I thought that was the job of the Attorney General with “Fast and Furious.”

    Now before everybody leaps on that, I am being sarcastic and just trying to illuminate how extreme the comment is. Lighten up.

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    STLDan  over 11 years ago

    Because people are idiots. The EXACT same thing happened after his first election. All the gun nuts said he was going to take thier guns away. Guns laws passed in the last four years-ZERO. All you whack jobs (racists cause no one said that when Clinton was elected and basically ran on all the same issues) said he was going to be the downfall of America and people would be rioting in the streets so go buy your guns now. Ima all you have done was point out the lunatic fringe and proved every one of thier predictions WERE WRONG. Just like everyone of your posts.

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    @STLD Now gun owner’s are racist? Can’t you find some way to blame this on George Bush and Reagan. Get a grip.

    @Fourcrows. Of course it’s not a need. I know several friends who shoot in military type matches and the AR-15 is the principal rifle used. I have law enforcement friends who shoot in competition using the AR-15’s (their own). Most of the people that are regular shooters (and competitors) are collectors, whether it fits into your criteria of acceptable or not. Most of the aforementioned people have more than one because they use them for shooting at different ranges. All of them keep them in gun safes and secured as well as humanly possible.I understand your argument but it’s emotional, not logical.

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  11. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    I want to know where I can get that T-Shirt.

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  12. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 11 years ago

    The real problem here is that Congress doesn’t want to fund any program to provide treatment for the mentally ill. After all, there’s no street people in their neighborhood.

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    frodo1008  over 11 years ago

    I would also be willing to bet that there will be an increase in home schooling also.

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  14. Coloradofiedcalifornia
    californicated1  over 11 years ago

    Let’s all point out that DESPITE restrictions on firearms, this guy was able to get his hands on them, and from what I have read and heard in the media, all without even purchasing them himself—his momma did.

    And just like that California nutjob who decided it would be cool to express his craziness in a Colorado movie theatre last June, Law Enforcement is gonna find that the weapons Lanza had on him were legally purchased—by momma.

    And for all we know, little Adam may have even had these weapons gifted to him—or at least the use of these weapons gifted to him from momma, and there is no law or regulation out there that restricts this and probably no law, regulation or even means out there to curtail the use of legally-obtained firearms and other weapons between the party that legally purchased them and the party that “borrowed” or has use of these accoutrements with the permission of the lawful owner.

    So it may not even matter what kind of regulations and restrictions for this kind of person were place that could have been present to keep Lanza from purchasing these weapons himself, but as long as he acquired them from his momma, all those restrictions seem insignificant, especially if momma purchased them legally.

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    If his momma locked the guns up as any responsible firearms owner should, he wouldn’t have gotten his hands on them either.

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    sbeavin  over 11 years ago

    The government supplied the cartel with the guns. Try and catch up there short bus.

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    @antiquetracman said“Drunk drivers kill more people and yet where is the outrage? Why isn’t there stricter laws on drunk driving? Why isn’t there a move to ban anything that poses a risk? "

    1. other things kill more – those things are BY ACCIDENT2. Or through NEGLIGENCE – drunk driving. and there is outrage about drunk driving, and the laws have become stricter but (semi)automatic weapon exterminations that happened in CT are ON PURPOSE.and in this case the mother and the son were law abiding citizens until someone are you injured by restricting (semi)automatic weapons, or . requiring licensing. surely you’re NOT suggesting doing nothing.isn’t a little restriction on your purpose built lethal weapons a small price to pay so that these exterminations do not continue? I do.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I’ve been asserting that banning automatic weapons will reduce the death counts in mass shootings. I saw a link from another poster showing that there are fewer deaths when a shooter is stopped by civilians than when police stop the shooting. This is true, but most of the shooters were stopped by unarmed civilians! I used the data provided & analyzed it to see what the average death toll is by weapon type is. Weapon / Average Deaths Per IncidentAutomatic Rifle / 9.5Automatic Pistol / 9.8Rifle or Shotgun / 3Revolver/Non Auto Handgun / 1.8Anecdotally, there were several cases where armed civilians either failed to subdue the shooter or shot bystanders. In most of the cases where civilians armed or unarmed were successful in subduing the shooter, the shooter was not armed with an automatic weapon, or the gun jammed. I think it’s obvious that the lack of automatic weapons gives a greater opportunity for civilians to intervene or flee.

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  19. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You have no reason whatsoever to think Chillbilly drinks and/or drives. The only people I know who leave the bar & hit the highway are my suburban co-workers. All Republicans, too. To their slight credit, if someone is obviously unfit to drive, they get a lift from someone else. But, I doubt most of them would pass a breath-a-lyzer if they got pulled over. We Liberals generally choose to live where we don’t guzzle gas, but we can guzzle some great craft brew & catch a cab home for the price of a beer.

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  20. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    "Drunk drivers kill more people and yet where is the outrage? Why isn’t there stricter laws on drunk driving? Why isn’t there a move to ban anything that poses a risk? ""Worst argument against gun control ever! Alcohol related traffic fatalities have been shrinking as the laws on DUI get tougher.

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  21. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    If that muzzle loader Heston held aloft was the most “sophisticated” weapon on the market today, we wouldn’t have the problem.

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    sw10mm  over 11 years ago

    Strict punishment is a good idea, but libs will always push to free violent offenders. It happens over and over again.

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  23. Cresswell5
    Kingoswald Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Constitution my ass! I wanna KILL somethin’!

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    markjoseph125  over 11 years ago

    And, it says all you need to know about the intelligence and integrity of the right-wing.

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