Steve Kelley for November 08, 2012

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    My suggestion(s)=stop trying to be Democrat-lite.Adopt the goal of developing a candidate that believes and defends Reagan conservatism.Support that candidate in both fiscal and social conservatism.Defy the MSM. Don’t adapt rhetoric and positions to try to please ultra-leftists.Good and Evil cannot be partners on the same path.Keep the Good GOP platform and defend it.Oppose the Democrat Platform that pleases the Devil.Seek voters of all colors, ethnicity, and all faiths and even atheists who are capable of morality, with the Opportunity Society and Free Enterprise and Human Rights agenda.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    I heard a moderate republican say Obama WAS the new Reagan and that way why he had voted for Obama. I think that’s stretching it a bit, but I do believe Obama is so centrist as to annoy Dems as well as Republicans. Obama did try to pass alot of legislation first presented by Republicans, but, they didn’t want a Dem passing Republican bills. That would take credit away from their party so…. deadlock.I hope you write to your representatives as much as you do here.C.

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    Jason Allen  over 11 years ago

    We need another Reagan."Reagan raised taxes.

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    moderateisntleft  over 11 years ago

    Regan would be rejected by the current republican/tea party

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    echoraven  over 11 years ago


    1. Gays pose no threat to the sanctity of marriage, straight people pose a threat to the sanctity of marriage. They want to pay a marriage penalty? Great!! Free tax revenue!

    2. Abortion: No one is going to be able to do a damn about this. If Reagan couldn’t do a damn thing about it, nothing short of a Super Ultra Reagan will be able to. Your best hope is to look into why they are happening and figure out a way to make them “obsolete”. In the mean time, shut the heck up.

    3. Minorities: Yes they DO have it harder… I should have said “we”.

    4. Environment: It’s a good idea to take some steps to protect it.

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 11 years ago

    cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance/ˈkägnətiv/Noun:The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, esp. as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.Or: what Republicans are doing now to rationalize how BADLY they lost.

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    Fourcrows  over 11 years ago

    Yes. I believe I suggested this to you yesterday. Focus on political issues like the economy and you can get my vote. Focus on moral/religious issues and I’ll vote against you.

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  8. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 11 years ago

    Mr. Elephant, take a deep breath, hold it, let it out. Your nomination process pushes candidates to move further and further to the right as they go along. This is what your base requires. However the base is not large enough to win the general election. So in the general election the candidate that moved so far to the right has to move back to the center. It isn’t efficient. Each step alienates some of the people. If you can convince the base to focus on the longer term goal instead of the short term nomination….My apologies. They wouldn’t be the base then.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    The Republicans also have to admit that they spend just as much as the Democrats. Just on different things.

    They also have to decide whether they are willing to pay the taxes necessary to support the huge military they want.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    dt: “Reaganomics” was like an economic STD that Reagan just kept smiling, and assuring the people that “Don’t worry, it’s all okay.” Even he, and GHW Bush tried to insert a few doses of antibiotic, in the form of tax INCREASES, but the patient still, in the long term died, in 2008. The death throes are still there, but the patient can be saved, but not with more “Reagan Republicanisms”.

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    @ansonia,no the demonization of romney wasn’t the democrats game, nor the republicans problem. romney is overall a good man and had presidential hair. the problem is with the republican agenda to hate and demonize fellow americans. seems like the republicans have a choice, to double down on the hate of women, gays, immigrants, etc…. or abandon their religious right-wing wacko’s. both of which are tough to do. you can tell that disgusted taxpayer is afraid of that abandonment. and by the way, regan couldn’t win the republican nomination in this past election as he was TOO LIBERAL, and he raised taxes.

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  12. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    One suggestion: Make voters believe that you don’t loathe your employer and the people who pay your salary.

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