Two Party Opera by Brian Carroll for April 27, 2024

  1. Tj
    • Thomas  about 1 month ago

    5 illustrations from Mr. Carroll over the last year or so, and he uses two of them for conflating one of the finest progressive presidents we have had in my lifetime with one of the very worst.

    This ain’t the wise & quirky Two Party pov we formerly observed — by far.

    If we were still boys, I might ask; “Bri, why you be trippin so hard dude?”

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  2. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Wow, Carroll finally went after the joke of a “President” Biden. He never met a war he didn’t like. Loves to foment conflict and dare Russia with threats of brining Ukraine into NATO?

    World peace? That’s for schmucks!

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  3. Sunimage
    Sun  about 1 month ago

    Incompetent Joe Biden has managed to make Malaise Jimmy Carter appear competent, ya’know, since we seem to be on the subject of bringing up a former 1970’s president.

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  4. Tonto crop
    Tonto & Redd Panda  about 1 month ago

    This was never much of a strip. Just stealing bits of history to make a buck. Dull.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Wacky cartoon, how many anti Israel war protesters have been murdered by the USA government?

    Bibi is a right wing extremist, no one can stop his murder spree except the people in Israel.

    This conflation of Ohio state and Biden is really dumb and has a right wing stink to it.

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  6. Missing large
    jcole998  about 1 month ago

    Don’t mince words, Mr. Carroll. Tell us how you really feel!

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Nixon’s Secret End to the Vietnam war was to nuke them. There was so much anti war protest that Nixon did not carry out his murderous plan.

    I was shot at with rubber bullets and got tear gas in my eyes during the years of the Berkeley ‘riots’ in the late 1960’s. I accidently triggered a large riot on Telegraph Ave but I won’t go into that now.

    Trump 2025 wants to use the military to round up protesters and put them in concentration camps.

    Trump is criminal Nixon on steroids.

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  8. New badger avatar
    tudza Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Patton would have done it with fixed bayonets and maybe some cavalry.

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  9. Offmymedstoday
    Mostly Water Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Curious strip today.

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  10. Sunimage
    Sun  about 1 month ago

    Democrats are exempt of truth, and they will deny Joe Biden’s war crimes.

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  11. 385cf1bb 7d7c 4829 b702 ffa156750c44
    dcmotrl Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Maybe the two presidents that should share similarities about demonstrating should be Trump and Nixon.

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  12. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 1 month ago

    Two problems here.

    One is that being appalled at Israel’s 35k plus kill rate of civilians and children is being confused with antisemitism. Most of all, it is being played up by both the allegedly ultra-liberal media and the MAGA far right as antisemitism.

    Not that instances of antisemitism haven’t occurred. Just that those which have occurred have gotten all the screen time.

    Just in case, yes, I am appalled by what Hamas did 07-Oct-23. And, I am a Zionist, as well: Israel has a right to exist AND a right to defend itself. But the 30+ to 1 kill ratio, mostly civilians and children, has to be 30+ times as appalling.

    Heck, the only Hamas leaders we know were killed were in an attack on Iranian embassy grounds in Lebanon. It’s as if Bibi wants the entire world to be at war with Israel.

    Two is Biden’s unconditional support of Israel – something which I do hold against him – and if I were a one-issue voter, his support of Israel in this instance would be the straw that breaks my back. But, as pointed out by Ana Navarro this morning on the View, we cannot forget that, however bad Biden’s initial reaction to this war was, TRUMP WILL BE WORSE, and you can take that to the Muslim Ban Bank.

    Yes, I consider Biden’s support of Israel’s war on Hamas to be a mistake, but that hardly makes him the “war monger,” as Suzy Sunshine likes to repeat, over and over and over.

    Just remember the Muslim ban, moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as well as abandoning the two-state solution – don’t kid ourselves – Trump will only make things worse.

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  23 days ago

    NPR has discovered that for two years running Judge Aileen Cannon, without disclosing it appropriately on the Federal Form she’s required to disclose paid trips on, went not once but twice on all expense paid trips, sponsored by George Mason University and the Anthony Scalia School of Law, which was funded and founded officially by one Leonard Leo — the founder of the Federalist Society.

    They hold colloquiums where they bring in lots of judges — all right-wing Republican judges — to the Federalist Society, to hear lectures on topics about woke law and the problem with that; and basically attacking the Democratic or Progressive agenda.

    Aileen Cannon went on one of these all expense pay trips, probably totaling about $10,000 in 2021 and 2022, and certainly while she was presiding over a case involving Donald Trump.

    Now look ProPublica just won a Pulitzer for exposing the all expense paid trips and relationships between Clarence Thomas and right-wing Maga donors that he’s been taking for years, without disclosing it; and tens of thousands of dollars a year on yachts, on private jets, to hunting lodges. You know $2,000 a day — but he’s not presiding at present over the Mar-a-Lago.

    Cannon is, so we need to talk about her.

    Now look, George Mason University is the rightest of right-wing universities. It’s a law school named after Anthony Scalia, funded by the Koch brothers, funded by Leo Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society. You can sort of figure out what is going on inside of that incubator, right. And Federalist federal judges and Supreme Court judges regularly go to George Mason University for colloquiums and seminars, and all expense paid boondoggles, that are paid for by these right-wing MAGA people, to rub elbows with other right-wing MAGA people, before they return to the bench to make decisions for you and me.

    Justice is blind — um I don’t think so, and certainly not on these all expense paid trips and luxury resorts.

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    rhbrandon2  11 days ago

    In his day, so was Lyndon Johnson.

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  15. Sunimage
    Sun  6 days ago

    The art and practice of Self Censorship. Funny how Brian Carroll was critical of Joe Biden for two days (April 27th and April 28th of April 2024) then decides not to submit any further criticism against Joe Biden. Wonder why?

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